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moron scares deer


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I was hunting Saturday morning for the Muzzleloader opener west of Willmar and north of Raymond. I was on a state wetland area with a small grove of trees. I had a small doe come in front of me 15 minutes prior to legal shooting time. It was about 15 yards in front of me and it just stared at me and sniffed the air for me. It was really neat to be so close and it stuck around for 10-15 minutes right there in front of me. It finally went into the woods. Soon after a fork buck comes out from behind me in the woods and walks right in front of me as the doe did. It's standing in open grass while I am standing on the edge of the trees. This truck comes down the gravel road and sees this deer so he slams on his brakes and throws his truck in reverse and backs up to see it. Now like I said I am on the edge of the trees behind this deer about 15-20 yards. This guy has to see me in all my blaze orange plus my truck is on the side of the road right in front of him. This moron has to know why I am out there!! It's 7:30 in the morning I'm not pheasant hunting. As a result of his acts on the gravel road the buck was very interested in what he was doing and eventually scared him off in the opposite direction of me. I didn't intend to shoot a fork buck the first morning out but still I was so pissed that someone would do this. I don't know if he was waiting to see if I was going to drop it or what but that is pretty rude to do to someone hunting. I'm still pissed about it. I was enjoying myself just watching the deer and so close. Anyway's my friend told me I can report him if I had a license plate number. I wish I had it but then again it's a small town I think I could find out who he was just by the truck. I read on someone else's post to put the tip line for turning in people on your cell phone. I plan on doing it now. Thought I would vent just alittle.

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my opion is the guy in the truck did nothing wrong for what you said he did, its state land your on and its a public road. now it would be different if he honked his horn or did anything to scare the deer off, besides you said you wouldnt of shot him anyway. my suggestion is maybe get a little further from the road if possible. good luck on your hunting wink.gif

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I don't know, that's a long ways to go that he was in the right. What about common courtsey to your fellow hunters?? I know I would never do such a thing to somebody.

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Im with ya jasongp99, see a hunter keep moving. Ya state land but we need to have some common courtsey to our fellow hunters. Too many hunters have the same atitude as gamakatsu (Its State land so I can be here if I want!!) and they have the right to there opinion but it is my opinion it was wrong of that vehicle to push that deer if you were in plane sight. I could say more but I won't.

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whether this deer had been a shooter or not, then the guy in the truck did, in a sense, violate one law........interfering with a hunt.

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