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Dont forget to have your kids under 12 apply for a turkey permit

Mark Christianson

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For those of you that dont know, your child that is under 12 can now apply for a turkey license.

They can apply as a party member.

To hunt, they must be accompanied by an adult. Pretty simple.

My 9 year old has applied.

I am already stoked to get him out.

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I don't think it has to be applied for as a party does it?

The way I read the rules as long as they are accompanied by an adult, licensed or unlicensed (non-shooting of course), they could apply and hunt.

I'm having my 10 year old daughter apply this year.

My dad and I applied last year without a draw so we are hoping to get drawn this year and maybe by next year, my daughter will.

The party application is a little confusing to me so let us know the specifics if my assumption is wrong.


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I was really surprised at your response and knowing that it is sometimes a matter of who you talk to or when you talk to them, I also just called the DNR and talked to a worker named Stacy at their information line. She ran the question by her supervisor who she said was the most knowledgeable on the Turkey licensing.

He said, No, that a youth under 12 does not have to apply as a group. They can apply individually. But that the youth does have to be accompanied by an adult (hunting or non) should they be drawn for their permit.

I also checked through the DNR web page for any info and here were two pertinent items.

Who is Eligible

New this year: Juveniles under the age of 12 may apply for a license; however, a parent or guardian must accompany them while they hunt. The accompanying adult does not have to be licensed unless they also wish to hunt.

[Group application]

.....The preference rating of a group will be determined by the member who has the lowest preference level. ....

My concern came from the fact that my preference would go down since she is a new applicant.

One other note. You do need to call the DNR licensing office prior to applying for the turkey application and get a DNR identification number for the youth if they have not completed a hunter safety course. They will ask for this when you try to apply an ELS station.

Good luck and let me know what you think about the cross information.


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I dont know what to say.

Wait, I do know what to say.

Geezus. confused.gif

PS - I deleted one of my posts above with the so-called info I got from the DNR person I talked with. I would trust your source from the sounds of it. Rather than add to the confusion, lets use your info as a guide for people to determine if they want more clarification from the DNR or to use what you found out.

I guess the big thing with all this is that we can have our kids under 12 hunt for turkeys.

Sorry for any unintended cornfusion.

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