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Chisago, Lindstrom Peoples......

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Alright now that I have your attention, I was wondering if anyone knows about the "pond" behind Trappers. I was talking with my dad on Turky day and he was talking about that it use to be an Old rearin pond. I have never seen anyone out there fishing. Anyone ever checked the depth on it? Im thinking about heading out there this winter to see if there are any pannies/toothy critters out there.

Shawnny B confused.gif

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Martha is the name of the pond. I did fish it one time in the summer as someone told me the same thing. Although everyone I have talked to but the one person has no idea what I am talking about. Any way I cought nothing and saw nothing. So if there are fish in there they do not eat worms. I was fishing from shore so I do not know who deep it gets but it is very muddy. Just what I know.

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Shawn- I too have heard the same thing, but I dont think its been used as a rearing pond for quite some time. My guess is that it has froze out long ago and not re-stocked. I do know that just about every year they race 4 wheelers and motorcycles on the ice there every winter. Not sure if I would want to ice fish with that going on.

I did see a couple of guys ice fishing out there 4 years ago.. never saw them again.. I took that as the hint.!

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Thanks for the response, and I have thought about the Ice racers, but I get the unusual schedual that I get a few days off in the week, so they wouldnt effect me. Maybe Ill get out there one of these days and just sit on the ice and see what happens, maybe Ill have to shop around for a camera and see whats floating around down there, hopefully not a cow or some farm animals shocked.gif. Maybe the lil thing will hold some deeper water and some nice fish, who knows just trying to find that spot that isnt too overly croweded. grin.gif

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Shawnny, If you give it a shot let me know and I will give it a try with ya!(If you don't mind that is). I can see it from my house and trying things like this is fun and can sometimes pay off grin.gif


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Shawn- I have an aqua-vu you can use the day you go... I dont think you will see much..but hey.. its worth a shot.

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Shorefisher, I live just up the street then, Im just across from Brinks, got the big silver box in the front yard, Im thinking maybe I can get Hovermn up here and maybe we can hoover on over there and check the depth. Im thinking maybe we can check it out, maybe we will have to get together sometime and hit green together and make it a weekday get together.

Dietz, your a classy guy, cool.gif thanks for the offer but maybe we will just have to meet up and check it out sometime. Im also thinking of heading out to your lil lake that you like to hit, maybe even spider. Im thinking Im going to try and stay on some of the smaller lakes around here, maybe stay with little green, Kroon, Spider, Little, and maybe try and get to Bowl again, Ive had luck on Kroon, little green and bowl, just need to find the bigger fish that are in them.

Shawnny B

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Martha, did, does hold some fish and it was used as a rearing pond. The guy that owns the farm on the hill is named Paul Nelson and is an old timer with the nickname of Farley. He is in a nursing home in Forest Lake now but he told me he used to go down and catch walleyes from shore for dinner. I haven't seen many people out there lately but about3-4? years back for a couple of weeks there were quite a few people out fishing it. Farley said there were some panfish in there and on occassion it would put out some real nice crappies.


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Im sorry to hear that about the old timer, That was another thing i was starting to wonder about and was planning on hitting up the city hall to find out if there was any public land around the lake or if i was going to have to ask a local landowner about it. You dont by chance know if it gets deep at all do you? Oh heck I think im going to have to go out there and sound it now! smile.gif Ill let you guys know what I find out on this lil lake after we get another freeze with some ice. and Ill keep you in mind Dietz.

Shawnny B

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Shawn, Know your house. I live in the yellow house behind cenex. Now with all this talk we have to go check it out grin.gif Looks like some cold weather is just about here.

Deitz it would be fun if you could make it also I would like to meet you guys from up here. As soon as there is some ice lets get together.

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I think a little chisago area get togeather would be fun, not so sure I am all that excited to fish the little lake behind trappers blush.gif. FYI, I live over by South Center Boat access.

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Hey guys

The hounds & I would come fer sure if you need some laughs.

Bring our little grill, Brats & Buns too.

We live down Chisago City all hard water season.

Fished these lakes since like 1965.


More people on them now a days but still a bunch O fun and some pretty nice people use them.

Good fishen too.

We Live down hwy 77 to Wallmark lake drive.

Musky Acres.


Putting our Blue Snow Cone shack on one of the area lake as usual. If you ever see us come on by.

Also Black 1996 Z71, Musky Tom Guide Service on side of topper along with Musky Decal.

Love my truck.


We hop around a bunch on all area lakes in older flip top Frabil deal that never took off sales wise.

Also have a New Clam Guide flip top to try this season.


Be fun to meet some O you all.

Homer J. & Barney is good fun on the water and great fishers.


Will check back when Ice is a bit better.






Da south Center launch is a huge fave place for our hounds to jump out of truck, dive into lake and swim for a few then hop back into truck, off we go to next launch.


We hit them all right up to ice IN!


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Wow, this seams as if we should get a gettogether in the chisago lakes area sometime this winter Dietz. I think this would be a blast. But I think i would prefer to hit up Martha sometime on my own just to make sure( and hide the fact if there is HUGE fish in there grin.gif) that noone gets bumed out smirk.gif Keep me posted and Hopefully in about oh I say 2-3 weeks we shoudl be able to get out there and sound that lil lake !

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ShawnnyB, I don"t know what the depth of that lake is as Farley didn't ever mention it. I can get a few things out of him on the good days and on the bad days he just looks at me and smiles with this far away look in his eyes. I would imagine that with the advent of ice up things should be pretty much walkable by the weekend. Forest iced up 2 days ago so I figure at least 2 -3 inches by tomorrrow in most spots if not more. Any of you Chisagonians ever head sout to Green or Forest? Darn good early ice bites in the shallows. Seems to me I have seen that black Z71 around the area, Musky Toms sure rings a bell. Dietz, You on the Sout Center landing over by the golf course and High school? My brother in law has a new house and I can see the landing from his dock. Caught some nice bass and pannies off that dock this last spring.


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Used to fish Green a bunch when Hackles had resort that is now now boat launch.

Lots of Crappies.

We tried first group of gray box FL8's out their we got from Capra's.

Still have my huge 8' x 8' shack.


Might have to try it out a bunch this year.

I like to hope around on Forest.

Good things Early and late ice.


Always pike to find on 3rd.

Did not fish but twice last winter as I had a busted shoulder, had it rebuilt, now ready for da ICE!


Hope to run into to some of you all this season.



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