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it looks like the cold weather is coming and is going to stay. Now we just got to wait for it to get thick!!!!!

HURY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FREEZE

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Day after christmas for me i just cant wait to catch those big slabs!!!!!!! and dont forget about those pikes too.

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I was up at the big pond today, not fishing, working unfortunately, and Buddy Hillman was out two miles on his four wheeler. He showed me what appeared to be about four inches of good ice out that far. Good sign. Hope it keeps up. If I find out more I will let you all know.

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It has been in the single digits the past few nights and the lake has been popping and booming so we are finally starting to put some real ice down.

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I think Shorty is gonna wait until he gets MJP in the van with him to give MJP a little thrill again. grin.gif

outsider at Roger's had posted on his fishing report that he was going to walk out and check the thickness but I haven't seen anything yet. Mort's posted that they will be checking after the weekend.

I see that Outsider just posted on Roger's Report that he went out 8/10's of a mile and found 5 to 6 inches of ice all the way out.

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Fished about 2.3 miles out of hillmans with no success, Buddy has his road flagged but im pretty sure they are not letting anyone out as of yet, but im not quite sure. Buddy also said that about 3.2 miles out there was still patches of open water. Call hillmans for the whole scoop on the ice.

Ice was about 3-6 inches the whole way out.

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I just talked to Buddy and Hillman's are letting wheelers out on their road. Buddy said, BE CAREFULL!!!! Talk to them at the store before you go out. The ice sheet is NOT stable yet and still moving around with cracks opening with the colder temps at night. He found OPEN WATER just beyond the cribs. The open water apppears to be 20 yards wide by 1/4 mile long. Both sides have been hitting each other so the open water is from the ice sheet moving around. That means that there could be another open place somewhere on the lake depending on the wind direction. He found 6 to 7 inches of ice. He said that last night we gained almost 2 inches of ice.

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That's what I like to see Kelly, nice sensible posting times... late morning - early afternoon. You need a little more beauty sleep b-4 the season gets under way and before I start seeing those o'dark thirty postings. I'll try to get up there to work on that new "welcome" we've been practicing b-4 the season really gets rolling!!! grin.gif

Good Luck!


p.s. Funny what happens when your deer rifle is acually sighted in!!!

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I can see it now. Some night you'll come off the lake and say that there was a lot of action on the flasher but you couldn't hook them so you ended up with zero fish. You'll say it was because your rod wasn't sighted in. grin.gifgrin.gif

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it looks like its going to get very cold for the next weed ahead hopefully the winds stay low so the lake can freeze easier.

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Hi Kelly, I agree with Labs about your posting times. You really stay up late sometimes. LOL Does anyone have a theory why the crappies bit so good early last winter? Lack of baitfish or? I had started to think they were gone but then even this early spring there were lots to be caught. It's good to see the forum heating up again now that the wedding deal is over. Stan C.

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i think the cold weather has to deal with the crappies on how they bit and my theory on the lake is it will take a long time for that lake to even come close to getting fished out because lower red is never touched so im guessing that the big slabs down there might come up to the upper part and thats why theres so many of them.

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I think a big part of it was smaller numbers of bait fish. With all the crappies and walleyes around being a baitfish in URL most likely isn't all that much fun. Also people are finally starting to learn how to fish URL. Rather then get into the middle of a crowd and compete with the rest of the crowd for fish people are spreading out and as a result finding more "good spots" or schools of crappies.

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Couldn't agree with you more kelly. I am also a firm believer that last years phenomenal bit attributed to lack of baitfish and increased predetor competition. I also am and have always been a firm believer of fishing away from the crowds. Hope this year remains just as good as it has been the last six! Hope to see you all out on the ice.

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I would have to agree with getting away from the crowds also. I think noise plays a big factor in crappie movement. In lakes with clear water I did some experiments with the camera. One of the crazy things I noticed was 6-10 crappies would be cruising around above the bottom structure in 25 feet of water just as calm as could be until a vehicle or auger was making noise on the surface. The fish would sink down into the structure until the noise stopped then slowly come back up when all was peaceful again. Now take Red Lake at 10-14 feet deep and a few hundred poeple banging around! Now you have put the fish into a nuetral mood and what active fish are around you have to compete with the masses to catch. Call me greedy but more for me away from the crowd seems better. smile.gif

Also who wants to drive to the lake to get away from it all just to park next some pesty neighbors and deal with traffic?

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I agree with you i had my water camera down the whole and there was a pike next to my line then a person past my shack with there snowmobile and the pike took off quick.

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I was on mille lacs with a aqua view last year in 32ft of water. a walleye was eyeing the jig and my brother knocked over the thermos it fell off the bench about 14" and the walleye took off. I couldnt believe it. it didnt make very much noise and thats a long way down.

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