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well here we are agian, just thought i'd put a post up for the bronson boys... the old lake of the bronson is hard. think we'll be out there for turkey weekend? i know "the mink" will.

the bronson boys say hi

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Hey der, longtime no post. Good to see you're still hangin' round winter's anyhow. Keep us updated on Lake Bronson and the fishin' and catchin' eh.

Question for ya....Iffin I make it over there this winter should I stop by the Grocery store for that hot bait from a few winter's back! grin.gif

Had to be some nice bucks taken out there, some prime deer land over your way for sure.

Glad your back.....fiskyknut

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how-d fiskynut. yes the water got hard this weekend. me and a friend of mine were going to head out and do some fishing out of a portable, but saturday night got the best of him sunday morning. maybe next weekend.

but yeah, a couple people did make it out and got some lines wet. we'll let you know about that special bait.


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Yeah good to here one of my fellow bronson boys is still around them parts, although he broke the tradition and did'nt make it out for Turkey weekend. But i hear there's about 4-5 inches out there, wouldn't you say so Pike? well take 'er easy

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Good to hear the Bronson boys are still alive after a rough winter last year at Bronson but if LOW fails i guess we always turn back to good ol' bronson and hope for the best, usually by the Cat tails wink.gif

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