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last night on Tonka, Monday, 11/21

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Milacs didn't cooperate Sunday night, but Tonka sure did last night. My son and I were out jiggin' in 15-18 FOW from 4:30 'til 6:00 and we capped the season off right: I got a 36-inch Muskie and a 24-inch eye (and lost a bigger eye and had one bite-off) and my son got three eyes, 2 of 'em nice eaters at about 18 inches. Didn't see anyone else on the lake. It was cold, but fun! That's probably it for this year unless it warms up this weekend ...

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Sounds like a great outing. I would like to get out tomarrow, which landing did you use? I was wandering about quality, ice, any docks, ect.

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we used the access at Gray's (sp?) bay; the docks right at the launch have been pulled out; no ice that I could see; and the weather last time I looked calls for gusty winds up to 25 mph tomorrow -- we are thinking about the weekend when it's suposed to be a little less windy (?) and warmer (daytime in the low 30's) ...

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Sounds like a great night on the water. Seems to me that you must have had a pretty darn good guide to get on fish like that. Also, isn't it rather weenie to lose the biggest walleye of the night? Who does that?? I also note that your son did not lose any fish...sounds like a 100% catch rate. He must be one heck of a fisherman, and is probably a very handsome devil to boot. On a totally unrelated topic, I have heard rumors of an older fisherman with no socks fishing two lines AT THE SAME TIME on Minnetonka. They are only rumors, but do be on the lookout for this outlaw. I have also heard that he has been spotted on Mille Lacs recently. One particularly ugly rumor has this scoundrel actually fishing 3 lines at once. HE MUST BE STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!

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