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Anybody besides me hunt Wisconsin this year? We had the worst year over there we've had since I started going in 1988. We only shot one buck and he was an accident with one short spike and the other broke off. Kid that shot him thought he was filling a doe tag. We did get 8 does for the freezer (and because they are saying it will be earn a buck next year if enough does weren't shot), but the bucks were hard to find. We did have a crack at two that ran by the kids in the group who missed, but that's no big deal. DNR did some brush work and resloping of the creek where I sit and I'm sure that screwed up their patterns so they wouldn't cross where I was. Don't know what else happened though.

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I made it out yesterday... And had success in a short time... So my season was a success here in WI... But from talking to some people, they are having a tough run at it... In my area, the deer seem to be in pockets and the numbers are down from years before... Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of deer, and a lot of nice bucks mixed in, but just not like a few years ago where you could look behind every tree and a deer would be there. Finally, in my area, the doe numbers are down enough where the bucks actually are out moving from doe to doe, instead of having the luxury of moving a 100 yards to find another willing participant in the breeding season. But one thing that scares me for sure.... is I have not been seeing a lot of fawns in my area!!!!

Sorry you didnt shoot any big boys Lawdog, but am happy to hear you guys did get a few for the table!!

Here is a picture of my deer... More info in the photo contest page...


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I forgot to mention I did see one of the biggest deer I've ever seen being registered in town Saturday night and it was shot only about 2 miles from where we hunt. It was a 23 pointer and had about a 21" inside spread. The rack was so massive that I was a good inch to 1 1/2" from being able to wrap my hand around it. There was a sticker point off the right side that was over 6" by itself. Good grief the thing was a pig!

Geez why I wasn't carrying my camera with me then I'll never know...

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I had to come back to work on Monday but as of Sunday night we had 5 bucks of 8. (1) 12 pt, (2) 8 pt, (1) 6 pt, and (1) 3 pt. I guess they didn't have much luck yesterday and I haven't heard today but I saw the most deer I have in the past 3 years off my stand. Sorry to hear the same wasn't true for you lawdog. Hopefully you can get back out this weekend with more success.

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We found it to be really hit or miss in our area. My dad and I went 2 for 2 on nice bucks, 8 and a 10. I also passed up 3 smaller bucks the first day spike, three, and a fork. After that we didn't see anything at all. We both had bonus tags and couldn't connect with the cold temps and high winds. We also didn't hit it as hard as normal already having two in the box, plus we wanted to muzzleload a little bit hunt this weekend. It's amazing how spooky and nocturnal the deer get after the first weekend. Usually it settles down a bit by this weekend though.

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Lawdog, that is strange. From what I'm hearing it was one the best years for nice bucks in Wi. Hit the rut just perfect in our area. I seen 3 nice bucks and got a 10 pointer (pic on WI forum). In our hunting party of 6 we got 2 10's and a fork. Plus we missed like 3 bucks.

Last year I let 9 different bucks go out of my bow stand only to hunt it alot this year and didn't see any. You just never know.

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I hunt south of Eau Claire we did alright. Two bucks for 3 guys, had more than enough chances to shoot several more small bucks or does. We saw 2 or 3 really nice bucks but only had a shot at one and missed it. Also have a couple buddies that hunt by Balsam Lake and they got a real nice buck on Saturday and finished up with a doe on Sunday.

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