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duck hunting in a plowed cornfield?


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has anyone ever tried to put out a clear piece of plastic or a blue tarp to represent water and throw some decoy's on there in a field for ducks? just wonderin if it works or not might try it this evening for the hell of it.

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The way I heard it from the old-timers was not a blue tarp on a plowed field. They said they used a large, irregular shaped piece of black plastic laid out and staked on a grain stubble field and decoys set on top. From the air, I don't think a small pond looks blue to a duck. I've never seen it actually tried so I can't say whether it does work or not.

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i have heard of the black plastic thing on ice as well because that is what it looks like in the ski. Or you could always dump out some antifreeze on the water and then put out your decoys (wink wink)ike

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Saw some guys doing it on my uncle's feild when goose hunting. I thought they were nuts, but they got a few.

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tried it sunday night and oooh man was it awsome. dont know if the black plastic helped but i set out 6 bigfoot goose decoys bout 30 yards from 2 mojo drake mallards (1 with only 1 wing) and bout a dozen duck decoys on top of the plastic to the left of those mojos and they were dropping in like mad! got our limit of mallards with 4 guys and i shot a banded drake mallard which i'm gonna have mounted we weight it and it was a little over 3 pounds and it had 2 curls beautiful colors might try to get a pic on here we'll have to see.

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How big of piece of plastic are we talking? What do you do to hold it down, if your dealing with some wind?

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all i did was cut up 3 black garbage bags in half so they lay flat. and i took chunks of dirt and threw a few on there to hold it down and then with the dekes on there too i will help. gonna hit'er up thursday mornin again up till sat. then maybe some muzzleloader action.

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Since you are the expert with this here do u think it would work just putting the plastic out with no deks. The only reason i wouldn't put out decoys is that the geese are very shy of each other around here and im afaid they wont decoy. I was just wondering if i put the plastic out and sat their with the blinds if the geese would still come in.

Just a thought, i will be sitting in the field anyway on thursday.


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I know I've seen someone has a patent on this, but don't remember the site. I've heard what works better than garbage bags are black poly that you can buy at Menards or a Lumber yard. Just like the clear poly ,but this is black. More durable than garbage bags too.

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only put out a couple goose decoys like 5 or 6 at the most just to the side of the duck decoys and it works awsome for both species. i had no problem with getting geese to decoy that way! use a flag to get them to notice you both ducks and geese go crazy. then maybe a few clucks for geese otherwise no calling the will cup right in. as far as ducks do as usual couple quacks otherwise call when there going away or greeting them. if anyone else trys it let me know i'll post more sometime thursday and tell ya how i did.

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rattlem'up, let us know how you did today, I'm dying to find out. This is something that has interested me for a long time but I have never tried it. I'm thinking that maybe the plastic might be the "kicker" that will make birds come in where otherwise they might just keep going.

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well not soo good shoot this mornin with the bitterly cold gusty wind that was present only saw few ducks and geese in the distance. so nothin in the morning. went out tonight figured the wind died down a little. few more ducks and geese flyin wound up with 2 drake mallards and 3 geese kinda slow hopefully tommorrow will be better! anyone else give er a try?

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