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Time to buy a pup?


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What time of the year is the best to buy a new Lab Pup? I am looking to use it next year for hunting. I hadn't had a dog in 8-9 years and kind a fell out of the loop. Plus the dog I used back then was a mature dog and was given to me. So I really didn't have to do a whole lot of work with him. Any advise or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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if i were going to use it for hunting next year i would get one soon because from my experience you want a dog at least 7 months old come hunting season, just so they are big enough to break brush and not just follow you around all the time. i am sure some people disagree. just my .02


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You would also want to ask yourself if you will get a young pup or a started pup. If you dont have the time to train, a started pup might be the way to go. Get one several months old, a few months before the hunting season and you will have time to work with it on your own too. Worked for me.

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Finding time to train will not be an issue. I am fully committed and dedicated to making this work for me, my family, and the dog. My family supports this, but we are just trying to educate ourselves first before we get involved. We want to be as prepared as possible. I think a lot of good dogs go to waste because people have great intentions but don’t follow through. I feel like I have did my homework on training material. But from what I have heard from talking to others is that I should look at buying one soon. Anyone have a recommendation or great luck of someone around the St. Cloud surrounding area? Looking for a Black Lab. Thanks

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I've had my best experience buying pups that are born around January. You will pick these pups up in late February or March. They will be at a perfect age to start training right away just as the weather is warming up and you, the family, and the pup will be happy to be outside. Also the pup will be at a great age going into its first hunting season in October.

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I think the best time to buy a pup would probably be Feb or Mar.

Reason: When you get the pup it'll be about 8 weeks/2mos old. The first month or more you need to start with basic obedience. This is easy to do in your living room. You can teach a dog sit, come, stay, and whatever else you want to consider basci right in your house. By the time she/he has this down the snow is gone and it's spring! Then you can get the dog out in the field and work on more advanced training. You'll have all summer to work and then by the time hunting season starts she'll be primed for her first season. The dog will probably be 8 or 9 months old.

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Hunting 24-7 Check out the litter I have in the "puppies for sale forum"... I think it fits the bill. These pups WILL hunt this fall. Let me know if you're interested.

Good Luck!


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