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Fish house question

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I got my house broken into last season. It was on Lee Lake. It was the first time I have ever been broken into. Ever.

I think it was because I had a solar pannel sticking out of it. For some reason they thought a solar pannel was worth breaking into a house -- it is not. They are worthless.

Here is the question -- I want everyone to give me their opinion --

Should I lock my house this year?????

I want your thoughts.

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I had my fish house broke into last year as well. Not only mine but 6 or so other houses near by were also broke into. I cant even begin to explain how mad that made me as some of you already know the feeling.

So now here is what I am forced to do: take nearly everything out-that includes everything that I would not want stolen. It was nice to leave everything in the house and just come with a charged battery and bait(or less), but since some disrespectful m*#x@'s think its alright to steal stuff in the middle of the night I cant do it any more.

As for locking the house- yes I will lock mine but just like before it will be with a small pad lock and hasp. That will keep the honest people out and if it does get broken into at least there will be a better chance of a cheaper fix. One of the guys that was by me last year had a great house- he had really put some time and $$$$ into it- well it was harder to break into which made it worse. The theif hacked the door and jam all to shreds- completly useless afterwards and an exspensive fix.

I would like to think that break-ins wont happen but in 10 years I have always had 2 or three houses out and this is the second time I have been broken into. Both times in my big sleeper house.

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Thanks for the post. Where has your hoiuse been located when it was broken into?

Mine was on Lee Lake last year and that is where it was hit. I had it on Big C for the rest of the time and never got hit?


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I too have been broke into, once on big C, they took my real old makeshift heater, only thing of any value, and left unlocked. my schedule wouldnt allow me out for a 2 week period,... should have gone to check... but.. I hope they blew up!!

the next time was on little C, Locked, w/heater, rods, tackle box all my lil bro's, and they destroyed the door and lock, but left everything, maybe the got scared away??

take it all home with you and leave unlocked! avoid damage!

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that's why I don't even bother with a permanent house and stick to my portable. too much of a hassle.

dang dirty thieves...

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Yeah, I take everything with me. I only leave snacks and a battery the heater and some junk that nobody would want. No fishing stuff. I still feel better about locking it for some reason. Maybe that small lock idea might me good.

That way if the want to break in the can, but they won't damage anything. I just hate the idea of leaving it open. I can't believe we just can't lock our houses.

My house has big windows on all sides and a big window on the door -- do you guys think that will help? That way they can see that there is nothing of value.

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My house was broke into two years ago,I had a big chipper in the house and they punched a few holes in the side and busted out my window. I guess they were frustrated because there was nothing to steal, but they still had to wreck stuff before they left. I think that these kids are worthless little punks, they will do anything to piss a guy off. So i dont know which is the best choice it is almost a lose/lose situation. We just have to catch the punks in the act and see how they like my ice chipper. grin.gif

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Good call. I'd like to have a shot at them as well.

So are you going to leave your house open this year or lock it up?

Did you get broken into last year?

Where was your house when it was broken into?

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To bad a guy can't set up a paint bomb in the fish house and give them buggers a real surprise if they try to break in. I'm thinking Blaze orange die. I would pay good money to see that. grin.gif

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Friend of mine hid a trail camera on a nieghbors shack after a few shacks got hit. Two weeks later he had pics of the crooks and the truck they drove and his gear getting loaded up. Go directly to jail do not pass go.

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I also have had my house broken into. twice actually, on Little Detroit and on Little Floyd. Both times they ripped my door all to shreds. I now take everything and leave it unlocked. Last year on two seperate occasions I returned to find my door open but not destroyed. I believe it is almost impossible to keep the crooks out of a fishhouse. Unless you build it completely out of steel and wait for four feet of ice to pull it out.

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I only own a portable but if I did own a regular fish house, I would probably leave it unlocked. If these dumb#33es want to get in, they are going to do whatever it takes. I would rather find out that someone was inside my fish house, rather than having to repair a damaged door.

I would love to catch these (Contact US Regarding This Word) in the act. I would dish out a little lake side justice prior to calling Law Enforcement. mad.gifmad.gif

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Hey Dahitman44

I also had my house on Lee last year, I didn't have any problems but i know some people around me did. I guess it wouldn't have mattered, we take everything except the battery and the heater out of the house. In our spear house we put out we don't even bother locking it, let them get in then at least the door is still their. Good luck to all this year


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When my house was broke into it was on Ottertail and Big Pelican. Each place it was broke into once. I like the game camera idea. It would just need to be placed where no one would see it.

Im not willing to give up the comfort of a big house because of break ins. Just will have to take everything out, but I just wont let some a$*h#!@'s scare me out of having a good day on the lake.

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Shae --

What other trouble did people on Lee have?

So you guys leave the heater and battery in and no lock on, eh?

I have thought about that.

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There were a couple of houses that had locks that were messed with and i knew a few houses were broken into. And yeah we say let them come in and see whats inside, if its not valuable they wont take it, and actually we pulled the battery now that i think on it.

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