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In honor of Windy's favorite, I thought I would start a new post about diff announcer "calling cards". You know, like YOU CAN PUT.....

The well-known phrase in Chicago while I was growing up was good old Jack Brickhouse's "HEY HEY"!

Let's hear some more guys.

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Maybe a little off topic here but.....

VIN SCULLY....by far the best and most entertaning announcer of all time.

Some of Scully's classic and original quotes.

"Sometimes it seems like he's (Bobby Bonilla) playing underwater." - (1998)

"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamp post: for support, not illumination."

"The Dodgers are such a .500 team that if there was a way to split a three-game series, they'd find it." - (1990)

"There's a high bouncer over the mound, over second base, Mantilla's up with it, throws low and WILD... HODGES SCORES, WE GO TO CHICAGO. (crowd noise for a nice along while) The Cinderella team (1959 Los Angeles Dodgers) of the National League."

"There's a little roller up along first, behind the bag! It gets through (Bill) Buckner! Here comes (Ray) Knight and the Mets win it!" - 1986 World Series

"When he (Maury Wills) runs, it's all downhill."

"All year long they looked to him (Kirk Gibson) to light the fire and all year long he answered the demands. High fly ball into right field. She is gone! [pause] In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened."

"Andre Dawson has a bruised knee and is listed as day-to-day (pause). Aren't we all?" (1991)

"As long as you live keep smiling because it brightens everybody's day."

"Football is to baseball as blackjack is to bridge. One is the quick jolt. The other the deliberate, slow-paced game of skill, but never was a sport more ideally suited to television than baseball. It's all there in front of you. It's theatre, really. The star is the spotlight on the mound, the supporting cast fanned out around him, the mathematical precision of the game moving with the kind of inevitability of Greek tragedy. With the Greek chorus in the bleachers!" - Los Angeles Times (June 20, 1976)

"Forget it." (his most popular home run call)

"Good is not good when better is expected."

"He (Bob Gibson) pitches as though he's double-parked." - Baseball Digest (September 1972 Issue)

"He's (Tom Glavine) like a tailor; a little off here, a little off there & you're done,take a seat."

"How good was Stan Musial? He was good enough to take your breath away." - (1989)

"I really love baseball. The guys and the game, and I love the challenge of describing things. The only thing I hate — and I know you have to be realistic and pay the bills in this life — is the loneliness on the road."

"I said to him, 'Joe (Garagiola), you played a long time, but I've broadcast as many games as you've played, and then some. So if you're gonna talk "inside baseball," you tell the fans the "inside baseball." But don't tell me.'"

"It's a mere moment in a man's life between the All-Star Game and an old timer's game." (1980)

"It's a passing (the last NBC Game of the Week on October 9, 1989) of a great American tradition. It is sad. I really and truly feel that. It will leave a vast window, to use a Washington word, where people will not get Major League Baseball and I think that's a tragedy."

"It's easier to pick off a fast runner than to pick off a lazy runner."

"It was typical of him (Ted Williams) to become a Marine Air Corps pilot and see action and almost get shot down. He was a remarkable American as well as a remarkable ballplayer. His passing so close to a national holiday seems part of a divine plan, so we can always remember him not only as a great player but also as a great patriot."

"I would come home to listen to a football game — there weren't other sports on — and I would get a pillow and I would crawl under the radio, so that the loudspeaker and the roar of the crowd would wash all over me, and I would just get goose bumps like you can't believe. And I knew that of all the things in this world that I wanted, I wanted to be that fella saying, whatever, home run, or touchdown. It just really got to me."

“Let’s all take a deep breath as we go to the most dramatic ninth inning (1956 World Series : Don Larsen Perfect Game) in the history of baseball. I’m going to sit back, light up, and hope I don’t chew the cigarette to pieces."

"Losing feels worse than winning feels good."

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No Pier, just what I was hoping for.

They are all good ones, but I kinda really got a kick out of the Gibson/double-parked 'ism.

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Gotta get the entire 'ism'...

"It might be......it could be......IT IS!! HO-LY COW!!

(Contact US Regarding This Word) I miss Harry...

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