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Ice Report

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Let's keep each other updated on the ice forming on the area lakes.

Use this thread to post reports on ice conditions.

I took a 20 mile drive today around the Horseshoe Chain and discovered that all the bays had skim ice on them. The main lakes were still open with some shoreline ice. I was suprised to see ice even in some of the river areas. Becker Lake and most of East Lake seemed to be completely frozen over.

Lets hope it dosen't get too windy or too warm in the next few weeks, so maybe we can be ice fishing sometime in the near future. laugh.gif

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Yep, the bays on the Chain are pretty froze over. Looks like some warmer weather is going to be here this weekend and could open things up a bit.

"Think" and "Use Caution" before venturing out on the Ice,

Corey Bechtold

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From what I could see towards sunset the other night on I-94, most bodies of water that I drove by had skim ice on them.

40 degree temps are forecasted for the weekend. I'm not to worried about it though because it's colder more hrs. during the day then it is warmer.

We should have ice come 1st full week of December!!

Corey- Are we going to get out a few times this year on the ice??

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Heck yea! There are a lot of lakes that need some attention from me this year. Keep in touch and we'll hook up and chase some fish. Who knows, maybe you'll turn into a die hard Panfish angler too grin.gif.


Corey Bechtold

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For all looking/hoping for safe fishable Ice, I hate to say that the wind has re-opened any bays/lakes on the Horseshoe Chain. The wind broke up the Ice and pushed it to shore. We need some colder weather without wind to get the Ice shaping up.


Corey Bechtold

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I'd be very suprised to see any "positive" reports of ice this weekend. With the snow, above freezin' temps and predicted rain I don't think the ice has favored well.

Hopefully I am wrong......anyone?!??!

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Well for all you non believers we did make it out ice fishing this weekend. Pelican lake near ashby had between 3 and 5 inches in the narrows. This fishing was not what it should of been. Found the crappies and walleyes but had a hard time getting them to bite both friday and saturday. Looking forward to the lakes around home to ice up so we dont have to drive so far.

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At least you got out!

Some of us are still drooling over these early season ice reports grin.gif

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

This weather is really going to mess things up. Hopefully the lakes open up before they get covers with this snow/slush. Have really sets back the good ice development. mad.gif

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On Friday there was about 2-3 inches on Little Rock. Four houses out on the lake near Erdmann's landing. Today one house was out. Checked the ice and you would break through near shore but was a bit thicker the further you went out. Had a layer of ice, then water, and a layer of ice.

I'm sure by this weekend they'll be out in full force.

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this is what i was hopeing to see smirk.gif was hopeing someone would post on little rock it is usually the first good spot for me each year. was out by the briggs area today and the lakes are froze but no one on them yet hears that camp lake was getting fished already - good luck and be safe

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I went out on little rock today and got out to the point in about 15 feet of water. I even saw one permenant house go out today. The ice was about 4-5 inches till you got to the choppy ice then it was 1-1/2 to 3 at the most so be careful

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  • Official Fishing Report Team - MN

The Horseshoe chain is starting to lock up nicely. If the wind stays low and we keep these cold days and nights up the chain should be fishable real soon. I did manage to find some back water areas that have around 3 inches. Always remember no ice is totaly safe especially early, always use extreme caution and commen sense when ventureing out.

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Hey Hawk, are you up for some scouting this weekend? If so, drop me an email. minnesotawalleye (at) aol.


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Anyone out on Litte Rock last night? I had some buddies who caught some perch, but no 'eyes yet.

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It's ice time on Horseshoe. I walked out on the southwest side Friday and Saturday. Even saw some 4 wheelers on the ice this morning. Little early for me to put my 4 wheeler on the ice.

Now the bad news - one bite for about 8 hours of fishing walleyes. Hope that improves soon.


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Was out on Rice this morning on the NW bay. Not too much ice. We did get out to about 4-5 feet before the chisel went thru with 1 jab. We were out for a couple hours looking down the big hole grin.gif but seen only perch and sunnies. Next weekend should be good. 1 house was on the break (you won't catch me out there yet!!) and I am not sure how much ice is out there but even in the bay, some areas are only 2-3 inches!! Be Safe ALL

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  • Official Fishing Report Team - MN

From what I have been told Rice has alot of skinny ice. I have had numerous reports and can verify them of the ice being thin out there. So be carefull and give it a couple of more cold days before ventureing out on this lake. Here is a word of caution regarding Cedar Island there has been a flock of 100 plus geese keeping a area open about a 100 yds wide. Be carefull as with this weather this area may crust over pushing the geese off of this roosting spot and leaving a pocket of very thin ice. The location is straight West of the big island and directly North of the very small island.

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Friday I went to 3 lakes in the Clearwater area: Bass, Sugar, and Limestone. Bass and Sugar both had a little over an inch a few feet out from the landing and Limestone had close to 3 inches. There's a sign at the Limestone landing that says the lake is aerated. Does anyone know what part of the lake this is at so I don't go through? Also, my g/f talked to a guy at Coborn's wearing fishing gear that said he was on 6" in the NE corner of Clearwater. I didn't check this lake myself, but the others right next to it were only an inch, so I don't really trust he was on an actual 6".

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Sounds like we should be in business by next weekend. Cold weather all week! laugh.gif

I just hope I'm able to get out by then.

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I was out Sat evening on Elk Lake just south of the Briggs Chain, there was about 20 portables out there and 4" of ice. Fishing wasn't special, one small perch, but I was out there!

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Went out to Big Birch Monday Had 3" of ice but there are places that only have 1" at the most. couldn't make it to where we wanted to fish set up in 16' of water, got one small slimmer,but hay we are fishing.

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So what, pray tell, would stop you? Could it be a new portable so big the mighty Chev wont haul it?

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators


So what, pray tell, would stop you? Could it be a new portable so big the mighty Chev wont haul it?

About time you made it on here. Although that user name sure gives me the ebee jeebies.

I've still have to get the house put together, get lights installed once they come in and get my other gear together.

When it comes to first ice I'm still a bit of a wimp. I've got to have at least 6" to feel comfortable. Must be the after effects of almost drowning and freezing to death after falling through the ice as a teenager.

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just was wondering how the fishing is on the chain and how much ice there is now i was thinking about coming up this weekend is it worth it?

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  • Official Fishing Report Team - MN

Ice is getting better I found around 6 inches in most of the area's Ive fished lately. A few brave souls are running around with wheelers already. Cedar island still has some skinny ice so be carefull.

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