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Gun Cleaning


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I figured I would bring this up since I was out in the rain last weekend with my rifle. Be sure and clean your guns if you were out in the wetness last weekend or any weekend... if you forget you'll be sad to see the rust pits starting to develop next time you pull it out of it's case. shocked.gif

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Good post. Whenever I hunt in wet coniditions, I pull it out of the case and leave the case open that night so everything dries out. Those cases hold moisture terribly...

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Yup, be sure to clean then guns after being out in wet conditions!! Bring it into the house, let the firearm warm up, then give it a cleaning. And do not forget inside the barrel too!!

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Lets say, hypothetically, my gun did get damp, and some surface rust developed. How do I safely remove that?

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They have solvants that will help clear rust up. I can't think of any brands off the top of my head. Next time your at a sporting goods store ask. I am sure they would know.

Another factor is your gun case itself. More expensive gun cases tend to wick the moisture away better than the cheap ones do. I use a Boyt gun case for my shotgun and it seems to work well. Yeah, a Boyt will cost you $75 bucks, but it's an investment you won't regret.

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WD40 and the softest steel wool you can find.

WD40 is a terrible gun lubricant, but great for drying and rust removal.

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