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Since everyone is getting the ice fishing craze and with Bluewater's Ice Fishing Extravaganza coming up on Nov. 25th/26th.....I thought we could post what lakes are iced up...

This morning 11/17 Midge was frozen all the way across...


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Same for a few lakes in the Turtle River area.

I stopped at 3 Island today to check it out and around shore I can walk on it. Its about 2" but on the main lake is much thinner, probably around 1/2" or 1" Im guessing.

It is all skimmed over though! I cant wait now! grin.gif

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Some of the lakes that I was hunting by opened up this weekend....North Twin was Iced on the East side about 60 yards out and was Ice free last night...As of yesterday I went duck hunting last night on Cass and Midge was still frozen over....

Did Irvine open back up????


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Deer lake is open again on the west side of the lake. The lake that I was hunting by also opened back up over the weekend.

Not a good sign! frown.gif

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I checked irvine yesterday and it was still iced over, but it was BLACK! Not good there either.

I looked at 3-Island and that was still iced over too.

It looks like some of them lakes might actually make it and be the first ones to go out on over thanksgiving?...

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I will be at Bluewater's Ice Fishing Event on Saturday Morning, then hopefully will be out on the water catching some jumbo pannies.....


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Yup and im back at home for thanksgiving! O well, I'll be icefishing next monday I guess!

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Been out twice before this snow (Ice) storm hit...Ice is really good-Very clear and holding on most of the smaller lakes around 4-6 inches...

Good Luck,


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Hey Beef, may I ask where you have been with some good(I'll change that to "fishable") ice?

I was thinking about heading out today after class but wasnt sure on which lake to check out yet.

I did see that Bemidji was trying to make its first layer of ice today too. Give it a week and it might actually be completly froze over. grin.gif

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No ice is good ice, but I was on Irvine and a few other "Honey" hole lakes....Irvine had 3-5" on it....Some guy had a 6 wheeler running up and down the shore on Sunday..

I haven't been out since sunday so I'm kind of curious to see what the wind, snow and freezing rain did to the ice...


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was out on a smaller lake north of town yesterday before the blizzard hit, and found 6 inches, no signs of any damage from the rain. foudn the fish on the vex in a couple spot, got them to come up and sniff, but no biters.

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Anybody know how Big Turtle is doing for ice? Thinking about going out Thursday or Friday. Thanks

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Bob, I am planning on putting it out, but whether I spear or not is the question. I might just make the spear hole and angle out of it. It's a great time watching them bite. I just don't know where, I am deciding between three lakes. Later, Ding

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Turtle should be ready to go, going out there tomorrow. I would have went out tonight, but had night class. It has been froze over for a week now, so it should have really nice walking ice. Tony if i were you, i would wait for bemidji to freeze up better and put your spear house out at the pines. Really good spearing there, and good chances of getting some nice ones. Good luck fishing

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Tony, you should let me know how you do out on turtle, also you should head up to Red with us this weekend.

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Any news on turtle Tony? Ill be headed out there today. Is there enough ice by the west access?


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DaPro, I didn't make it out to Turtle today, I went to another smaller area lake which had about 7 inches on it. I only had an hour and wanted to go to a lake that I knew had ice on it but I will let you know, I think I am going to go there Sunday for sure pending I don't work. Bob, I would love to to Red with you but I have to go to Fargo Saturday morning and I won't be back until Sunday morning, I have to do something with the woman since I have been hunting for the last two months. Good Luck guys, Ding

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Headed out to turtle today. My buddy got 2 small walleyes. Was graphing some fish but they would not bit hard enough. They seemed to just nibble on my jig. Was fishing in 17 feet of water straight out from the access on some structure.


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Boy oh boy turtle must be the hot spot! I got some secret spots on that lake but aint tellin no one cept myself. tongue.gif Prolly should try off the access there wink.gif

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tried to get out on bemidji.... solid 3-4 inches near shore, so i go out farther, the chizle just goes through... less then a inch! how scary!

How are them guys getting out on the lake to spear and what are they spearing on 2 inches??

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Hey Beef. Keep the wheelers off the lake for a while. It's early ice, and you know thats a great time to catch walleyes. If you start bringing 4 wheelers out there, everyone else will, and it will hurt the fishing. You know the eyes feed in the shallow water on Turtle, so the wheelers would spook them a little. You fish shallow water, and the more noise you make, especially in the shallows the worse the fishing is going to be. Besides, is it really that far out of the access that you can't walk? Just don't ruin it for everyone else that is enjoying it.

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4-wheelers are for people who just dont want to take thet time to walk out QUIETLY to catch some fish. How do you expect to catch fish in shallow water meaning 20 feet or less and your buzzing your 4-wheeler around and then popping holes with your power auger. I guess more fish to get bigger and more fish for me to catch if fishermen do not have that much common sense anymore.

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Didn't mean to get you guys going...If you have ever fished with me you would see that I do not do that.. There are positives and negatives of using a four wheelers...

I'm not going to start an argument about using four wheelers and this topic should stay positive and not become negative....

Thanks and good luck.....


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