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Where does everyone go for first ice around here. I think I'll be trying the manor pits first myself. Maybe Fosters, who knows?

And Tom, before you even start with me, I will be wearing my picks this time. Maybe even a life vest too.

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Dan, isn't there at least a millimeter film of ice out at Foster you could check out? grin.gif

I like the ice in the Mayo High School parking lot....but I just haven't found too many crappies under it yet. crazy.gif


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The Mayo's ice is supposed to be a secret Randy. Now that you let the cat out of the bag, I might as well tell everybody.

There is some nice structure under the center line. I sent the Aqua view down there last year and saw some nice Walleyes swim by. Some were possibly 30" long.

I tend to fish the hump near the blue line on the end of the rink. Also don't forget to try the sunken hole near the goalies crease.

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Anybody game to hitup Mayo's ice this weekend? If its slow at Mayo, I'd be game to try anywhere else as well.

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The Zumbro looked pretty iced over tonight in downtown Roch... If you fall through (Dan) you will probably only get wet to the ankles grin.gif I am thinking about going down to Mac's Sunday around noon, or one. Give my cell a call and wake me this time if you are going (Dan). Or shoot me an e-mail Tyler [email protected] if you are game to brave the cold. I know the Musky are still there....

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Tyler and I saw LOTS of ice yesterday on the backwaters. It probably wasn't safe ice, but I don't think it will come off unless we get some serious sunshine and heat. I could see hitting that area again in a week to check it out.

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I took a drive down to the lake this morning to see what 12 degree temps was doing for making ice. I took my big spud along thinking there should be at least an inch or more.

What was I thinking? It's still wide open with white caps blowing across it. Not even a thin crust.

I'll check out the manor pits on Saturday. It should be getting close with all this cold weather.

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Danny boy.....I am home alone this weekend....all weekend! We should tour and check on things, eh?

I've got some feelers out with a couple different options for my time, but no responders as yet, so doing a look see at what and where ice is going could be a possiblity for me. Let me know.

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I saw some ice in town this morning early, but now they are calling for snow. This will not be a good situation if more than a dusting falls. There certainly is not enough good ice to support a heavy snow cover so sloppy, slushy ice could be here for the early fishing, and it could be iffy getting on the ice to fish. We'll have to wait and see what comes of the weather, so be careful if you get adventuresome.

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I had a chance to check out how thick the ice is at C.C.M. pits today. I found an inch and a half at the shore. It was very unsafe white ice. I could see quite a few spots of good black ice but didn't venture too far from shore. I actually busted through when I jumped on it. Good thing it was only a foot deep.

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How are you accessing the pits now or maybe we are thinking about two different ones. I looked to access Cascade Lake the other day on the Northeast Corner and all the lots at the turnaround are posted. Maybe I'm thinking of a different pit than you or don't know the right access point. Unfortunately with the warmer weather and rain we are getting ice conditions will take a hit. Thanks.


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I walked from in from Interlachen Drive. Or something like that. It's basicly a culdesac. I walked out a long peninsula, and I came upon a cement dam looking thing. Then, I crossed a creek-drainage ditch to my left. Then I was on another peninsula again. I walked east on that one too, all the way to where we fished all last year.

But the last few years I have been going in the north pit on the north east corner. There is a cement ramp there now.

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Overnight lows down to 1 degree tonight, lows in the single digits for the next 7 days (at least), and daytime highs ranging from 14-21 degrees for the next week. Only 2 of those days will reach 20-21 degrees. The next week is typical for January...


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I saw a report on the news tonight. The fire dept. was at Foster's walking on the ice and breaking through. The ice they were on was pure white. The reporter barely bent a chunk in her hands and it broke real easy.

It also looked like a lot of open water still.

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Yes, we need to remember that only 3 days ago temps were in the 40's and 50's and we didn't even get below freezing.

I think the weather over the next week is just what you've been hoping for though. smile.gif

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The pond behind Menards south had black ice on it this morning on my way to work. I don't know if there are fish in it or if anyone can fish it, but it's frozen over.

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Had trouble getting the duck boat out through west newton for the duck closer. Don't know what the snow has done to the ice, but will check it out tomorrow. Willow looked scarey today. Jumped on it by the pier but broke the edge in the ne corner. Wilcox and the dike road are usually early freezers. Wear your float coats and keep the ice picks readily available!

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Merganser....Thanks for the Newton update and Welcome to FishingMinnesota.com. The weather is calling for much colder temps now so the ice which has started will grow pretty quick. I think the ice in many areas was good to carefully slip out on, but hole popping or jump-testing was more than it would bear. Good advice with the picks and jacket though. Again, welcome to the boards here....enjoy.

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Dan, I hope you're really, really, really enjoying this cold! It's not even 11pm and it's -2 degrees. -10 is about what you're looking for, huh?

...can't feel my fingers anymore...

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Mr. Spontaneity (aka DT) and I were going to do a snoop around town yesterday in the afternoon, but he decide loading a bulldozer was more fun than what he had at the river on Saturday.

Apparently the backwaters are still a bit shy on ice and Dan found only a tad over an inch in one spot and the ice was not a good quality ice. Definitely NOT fishing ice.

-10 you say? Even with the wee cover of snow we should hear some snapping by tonight. We'd have been better off with these temps two weeks ago, but well........you did what you could.

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