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big 8 point


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I got a buck tonight dont have any of the in the woods photos yet to post but here are some in the garage ones. it only has eight points but alot of mass and tine length. one of the tallest i have seen!



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He is a bruiser for sure... Congrats!!!

I love them big 8 point racks some deer grow... My buddy took a 142" 8 pointer the other week, that deer had some serious bone on this head. 13" G2's.. Very impressive, like the one you shot here!!

Again, congrats on the beautiful deer!!

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Awesome tallskinnyguy!

Whats the story on him? I see the weather looks pretty wintery out the garage door.

Was this deer on the move with the weather at hand?

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Nice buck, congrads. Its always cool to see a different kind of rack. He must of looked unreal with that high rack when he came out.

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This deer was shot in zone 1 175 north of Buhl Mn. I found a piece of state land that is surrounded on 3 sides by private land that has alot of farm fields that always have alot of big deer in them. The only problem is that the only legal access to it requires a little over a half mile hike through a swamp. I have known about this spot for 5 years or so and yesterday I finally decided to head out and hang a stand. There is a 30 acre clearcut that is about 7 years old right on the state land on the edge of the swamp. I hiked out there with my portable,rifle and an axe. about 2 hours later I had managed to some what hang the stand about 25 to 30 feet up in a spruce on the north east corner of the slash. By this time I had managed to work up a nice sweat and it had started raining/snowing. I climbed up and sat down happy to take a break. After about 30 minutes I saw a white flash all the way across the clearcut. I looked through the scope and could see a deer on the edge feeding. I couldnt see any antlers but it might have been a small buck but it was definitly not worth having to drag it out of this area. About 45 minutes after first seeing the deer I saw movement on the other side again I took the scope caps off and tried to see what it was. All i could see was the rack reaching for the sky. Unfortunatly it was over 600 yards away. The good thing was he was heading in my direction! I tried not to look at it through the scope any more because I was too excited by what i had already seen! As the deer got closer I saw the doe he was following. They were about 250 yard out and looked like they might go around a point of trees and disappear! I decided to take the shot. After the first shot they both started trotting with no obviouse sign of a hit so I shot 2 more quick shots before they disappeared. I kept looking and didnt see any sign of either deer until about 10 minutes after I had shot when the doe came into site and passed within 50 yards of me I waited anxiously for the buck to follow but I didnt see him. That was my first good sign! As hot as he had been on that doe it would take more than being shot AT to take his attention off of her. I got down and walked over to where I had first shot and couldnt find any blood. there was no snow on the ground and all was wet. I walked over toward the spot I had last seen them looking for blood all the way.... no luck I decided to circle around and head back to where I had shot to look for any sign. I found a heavily used trail that went toward where I had shot so I slowly headed down it looking on the grass and the ground for blood. thoughts of missing this trophy or worse yet wounding and losing him came to mind and I started to feel sick about it. About 40 yards from where I had first shot I saw him piled up I almost yelled at the top of my lungs when I saw him but managed to hold back. The 165 fusion bullet from my 300 wsm had done its job! after I looked it over I headed back through the swamp to get my hunting partner. Lucky for me I got permision from the old farmer to use an old logging road on his land to go drag him out if not for that I think we might still be dragging!

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Awesome deer, seems to me you were still a little exited even after the shoot, judging from the pee stains on your pants.

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pretty funny

didnt even notice that! not pee though... if you look at the deer it is wet also. it was raining and snowing and i had a good hike through a swamp and had to cross a creek as well! also seems a bit disturbing that instesd of looking at the deer you had to stare at my crotch... oh well dont ask dont tell i guess shocked.gif

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Nice buck! It sounds like you definitely earned this guy.Thanks for sharing. I was out hunting in that rain all day Tuesday too and I know how the weather can make it tough. P.S. If I ever get lucky enough to shoot one like that, I'd probably really wet myself! tongue.gifblush.gif

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Nice! Congratulations.

What do you think that one would score? My cousin shot one very similar to that on Saturday near Duxbury.

Great work!

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