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Petty Vikings Fans


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Vikings fans are so petty.

So today I have read people calling for Edinger, Bennet, Culpepper and Tice to all be cut or fired.

I agree they all haven't had the best years but calling for there heads is crazy. I hope that all of you out there are the absolute best person in the world at your respective job. IF you aren't then I expect you to get fired in the next few weeks and to be replaced by better talent.

Not every team can have Peyton Manning, Shaun Alexander, and Ray Lewis. This is your team take it or leave it.

If we cut everyone people on this forum think we should cut we will be suiting up cheerleaders against the pack next week. Do people think there is an endless supply of pro bowl caliber talent that is unsigned right now?

Were are we going to get replacements from? The Canadian League...

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I am not a Viking fan, but this just didn't come up today, especially Tice and Culpepper. I think the problem for Viking fans with the current staff is every year they under achieve. And in the world of professional sports, or even college for that matter, underachieving gets you fired. Its basically same story, just a different story line.

As for the players you mentioned, only Lewis has won a Super Bowl. Neither Manning or Alexander haven't even been to a Super bowl. So you don't need the best players to get there. Besides don't most Viking fans consider C-Pep as good as Manning? Just look at the numbers from last year right? So, prior to this year the Vikes have one of the best QBs in the game, the best WR in the game, and one of the best DL players in the game and yet they didn't do squat. The blame has to fall on the coaching staff. So yes, I agree with those Viking fans who say Tice has to go.

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A darn good arguement can be made to let Tice go. My complaint is with the people saying that Culpepper was only a good QB becuase of Moss. If that were true then why is Kerry Collins not putting up MVP type numbers?

A typical viking fan or atleast the fans that voice their opinions here are always looking to cut people that don't play as well as fans think they should. People have to understand that football is a complex game and if say a running back doesn't play well it is partly his fault, and a good part the offenisve lines fault. But also consider the fact that the opposing teams spend alot of money on players whose job it is to prevent the vikings from scoring points. There are so many other factors that play into a persons performance.

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A darn good arguement can be made to let Tice go. My complaint is with the people saying that Culpepper was only a good QB becuase of Moss. If that were true then why is Kerry Collins not putting up MVP type numbers?

A typical viking fan or atleast the fans that voice their opinions here are always looking to cut people that don't play as well as fans think they should. People have to understand that football is a complex game and if say a running back doesn't play well it is partly his fault, and a good part the offenisve lines fault. But also consider the fact that the opposing teams spend alot of money on players whose job it is to prevent the vikings from scoring points. There are so many other factors that play into a persons performance.

I agree with you to a point. I think it is football fans in general are pretty fickle, not just Vikings fans. If you look through the threads over the last year, there are way more people defending Culpepper than ripping him. The unhappy fans are always the loudest. Tice, now that is a different story.

I know that everybody on the field gets paid to do their job but that is no reason to fail. As a salesman, I know that if I wasn't making my numbers and I went to the boss with, "well, the other guys are getting paid to", as an excuse. He would be holding the door open with one hand and handing me a pink slip with the other.

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Bennet and Tice Should Go, But Culpepper and Edinger would be welcome on my team any day. Edinger is streaky but he seams to do pretty good under preasure and for kickers I think that is what really matters. Culpepper is hurt so knocking him is assinine, He will be back to pro bowl form in the next couple of years. If Brad Johnson Can stay healthy and the O-line ca get its act together I think we be O.K., especially if the Defense can stay solid.

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Alot of Pro Bowl QB's are having tough years... Culpepper, McNabb, Favre...

That gives me an idea.........

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Anyone calling out Edinger to be cut has no football knowledge, period.

If he only kicked indoors he'd be fine, but you put him outside......Yeah I say cut him. He's had one decent kick all year and even he was surprised by it. And don't tell me the kick at the end of the Giants game was a defining moment in his career because he missed two easy kicks which would have made the last one moote.

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His 2nd kick was blocked. It happens, do you want him to run up to the line and tackle the defenders first and then run back and kick the ball. That block was on the line not a poor kick on his part.

He is still better then Elling, Morton Anderson, or Gary Anderson, who else you going to put in there?

If there is anyone else available its only becuase they weren't good enough to make any other team. Edinger is not the worst kicker in the league either.

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Sunny - He missed the first kick from 40 yards, and it was pretty close. The second attempt from 32 yards was blocked. The line and Edinger are to blame, not just Edinger. The Giants game kick was not his defining kick this year. It was the 56 yarder against the Pack to win the game. Edinger is MUCH better than any kicker we have had for the last few years. He will come through again Monday night, I predict he will have 3 FG's.

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Anyone calling out Edinger to be cut has no football knowledge, period.

If I were GM of the Vikings, Edinger would be unemployed. He has missed five FGs so far this season, which is why Chicago cut him--he is too inconsistent. I will take a kicker who makes routine field goals over one who wins games only because he misses routine field goals any day. Most people defending a sub-par kicker like Edinger are not seeing the larger picture, and are only seeing a couple of game-winning kicks. Bill Parcells, who has won two Super Bowls and coached in another, certainly had no patience and understanding with his kicker Jose Cortez when Parcells cut him earlier this season--that is the sort of competitive attitude the Vikings need. I would have cut Edinger after he missed three kicks against Chicago.

Going back to the original post, if someone in my department performed at the same level of competence as Mike Tice Edinger have shown in their respective tenures with the Vikings, I would fire them. If I displayed the same level of performance as Tice and Edinger have shown, I would deserve to be fired.

I have no patience for incompetence, incosnistency, underachievement, and poor performance, which Tice has exemplified in his time here. But, if some of you are happy with sloppy play and mediocrity, that is your right. Just don't complain when the Vikings continue to lose big games and never come within sniffing distance of a Super Bowl, because that is what will happen if the organization continues to do as you all ask, and tolerates inconsistency and sloppy play.

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I am not saying Edinger is god or anything but who do you suppose we replace him with? He is better then anyone available right now.

Many people could get cut or fired at the end of the year but why ask for their heads now? I want a new coach but not until next season. Switching now is useless, besides much better coaches will be available during the off season.

You have to realize that changing players and coaches mid season won't do any good.

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Are you serious, theres a reason Lloyd isn't in the NFL and that he never got a look from any team. He is not an NFL kicker. He was an average college kicker and nothing more.

I guess I could go out and give kicking a try if you guys are just looking for anyone different. I made a 30 yard field goal once while screwing around with some friends. So my career feild goal perecentage is 100%.

You guys calling for the vikes to cut Edinger and Bennett are foolish and don't really see what the main problems of the vikings are. No running back will perform well every week behind this offensive line and that is the bottom line.

Funny it was also the O ling that allowed the field goal to get blokced last week. So if anything call for some heads to roll along that offensive line. Becuase it has been truly offensive.

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They can't get rid of Tice, I need some tix to the Super Bowl this year!!! LOL


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tice needs to go after this season, what happens the rest of the season is irrelevant to me at least. He is ok as a specialty coach or as a assistant, but I don't think he is suit for headcoaching. Cutting him now would be a waste though....

As for Bennet or Moore, the true measure of a running backs talents can really only be seen in the open feild or by watching him make a move to get into a seam. In my 5 years so far of playing football I have come to realize that a running back may not have a great game even with a good blocking performance, but he won't even have a good game with a bad blocking performance. I'd bet money that 80% of the backs in the NFL would get almost equal yards during any given game runnning behind a given line. If you want to point fingers on offence don't blame the skilled players so much as the 5 guys upfront, sure the QB can fumble or get picked off and that would be his fault but if he is being hurried time and time again because the like doesn't block it isn't his fault. The Gophers linemen are something else to watch if you understand football, any back they have can run behind them, and even that flop at Qb Cupito (sp?) can throw behind them with some consistancy.

Also it is hard for linemen to stay focused when skilled players start to force things or start to drop the ball. With out stabilty or team unity I don't think any team will make it very far.

The vikings have more than one problem, Tice being one, stablity being another, and the play of the big men being a third.

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