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Multi-zone license for 3B


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Does anyone think that the DNR should allow you to use the Multi zone tags for 3B?? It was talked about at our deer meeting this weekend before heading down to Houston County for this weekend and we had about a 50/50 spilt.

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No they shouldn't let multizone hunt 3B. The reason for the two time periods is to split up the hunters. If you could use the multizone for 3B all of the 3A hunters would buy it and double the pressure and access problems in the area.

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I second that, no way. Already alot of hunters in 3A and im one of them. Not as much shooting this year but i think that there is gonna be more shooting in 3B.

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The one license option is All Season. What do the words, All Season mean, if not to have privelages to hunt ALL Seasons? I think this no hunting in 3B is false advertising. It is a similar antic that the auto insurance companies use when you purchase Full Coverage insurance. I was told that I needed a rider policy to get a rental vehicle. I think if you buy an All Season license you should be able to hunt in any season period. Our English language is even being abused by our own government. We all know you can not be in two places at the same time, so I do not believe an All Season license holder has any real advantage over anyone else. And besides we do pay extra for the privilage to choose an area on the Day we hunt. Next it will be like Moose hunting, you will only be issued a license once in your life time, whether you fill the tag or not.

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This license comes with 2 tags and allows a person to hunt in all 3 seasons (archery, firearm, muzzleloader). One tag is valid for a legal buck and the other for an antlerless deer. Sales of this license have been increasing annually and surpassed the multi-zone buck license in 2004.

All-Season Deer License buyers will need to indicate a deer permit area they hunt most often at the time of purchase. They will not be restricted to hunting the area they indicate, nor will it be printed on the license.

The license is not valid during the 3B firearm season.

You MAY party hunt with an all-season deer license


Lottery - If interested in taking an antlerless deer with a firearm, they must apply through the regular drawing by Sept. 8, 2005. If successful in the lottery they will be authorized to take a second deer, which must be antlerless only. If unsuccessful, an antlerless deer can be taken during the bow or muzzleloader seasons and the limit is two deer. All-season firearm deer hunters may harvest 2 deer in lottery permit areas if they are successful in the lottery.

Managed - The antlerless tag may be used in any managed deer permit area. They can also purchase one bonus permit for one-half the cost of a regular license. All-season deer hunters may harvest 3 deer in managed permit areas.

Intensive - The anterless tag may be used in any intensive deer permit area. Additionally, they can purchase up to 3 bonus permits for one-half the cost of the regular license. All-season deer hunters may harvest 5 deer in intensive permit areas.


Can use the license statewide and harvest 1 buck and 1 antlerless deer.

Can purchase bonus permits to use in managed and intensive permit areas.

I'm pretty sure the intent of the license wasn't to assure you hunting options for everyday of every possible deer season. There are restricted areas in archery, muzzleloader and firearms. With your "All season" license would you feel your entitled to the special hunts also?? (Fort Ripley, State Park Hunts, Metro) 3B is almost the same as the special hunt zones across the state. We wait for EVERYONE to hunt for up to two weeks of firearm season before we even get a chance. Now why would it be fair for an All Season or Multi-Zone to come down and hunt, after they have already had almost two weeks of hunting otions across the state?

Now if they wanted to change the dates to run closer with the rest of the state, then I could see letting the All Season and Multi's in. I would most likely buy the All Season myself then.

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If you let the all season hunters in on 3b, then there wouldn't be a reason for 3b. 3b is there to help thin the population by taking does. If 3b were to open up then most people would go for the all season. The all season title is not misleading. Like buying insurance, there is always fine print that must be read.

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If the goal is to take more does, then doesn't it make sense you can use more hunters? Then we just restrict the hunter to taking only antlerless deer. Not like we haven't restricted hunters to a specific sex with game animals before. [All-Season Deer Licenses are not valid during Zone 3B season.] Zone 1A;Nov. 5-20, Zone 3B; Nov. 19-27, does this mean I can not hunt the last 2 days of zone 1A? [Metro deer zone is comprised of deer permit areas 228 and 337. The season dates are November 5 to November 27, 2005. A firearm license valid for any zone or season option can be used in this zone. A person can hunt in this zone with a Zone 1,2,3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, muzzleloader, multi-zone, or all season licence.] Area 337 is in Zone 3 and dates include 3B dates. Very confusing ay?

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