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Tice out?

Bobby Bass

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Will Mike Tice be out because of a wicked sideline hit? I winced when I saw the hit that Tice took on the sidelines during the giants game.. They did say he might have tore up the knee but that was at halftime. I am sure we will hear something later today. Whether you like him or not you hate to see an injury like that to anyone on the field or the sidelines...

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that was ugly, after having numerous knee surgeries to repair two completely blown out knees, it makes me cringe to see someone take a hit like that even if he is a horrible coach blush.gif

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Did anyone see how excited he got when he thought he won the challenge? Talk about looking like an (Contact US Regarding This Word).

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Hmmm let me see here you do this for a living, your living is on the line. Any call that is going for you in a game that you are expected to lose can be a turning point. The camera is on you at any time what do you thing he was suppose to do? Perhaps call for a cup of tea and a biscuit and say o darn the poor other bloke lost the call? I wonder what you look like sitting in your living room when a call goes for you or against you. I know there were at least 4 times today when my dogs looked at me and wondered what the heck I was yelling about... I think he looked like a coach in a game..

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That call that got reversed against the vikes was a horrible call. They got the call right saying his arm went forward but that ball did not. The ball clearly landed 1-2 yards behind Manning. Fortunetly Manning threw an interceptions 2 plays later.

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I think in that situation they don't look at where the ball goes, but just the motion of the arm. Often times the ball will fall in back of the QB like a fumble, but as long as the arm is going forward they'll call it in favor of the QB.

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He thought he won the challenge and pointed for a first down for his team and then someone told him he lost it. Not very bright is he. What game were you watching.

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I thought the way the ref was announcing the call that it was about to be Vikes ball as well.... so did everybody I talked to.... I don't blame Tice for starting to get happy as it seemed like the Vikes were going to get the call in their favor... of course they didn't because they were in NY!

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