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I have not been able to have any luck over here for about a month now. No cats and not even any Eyes. Every once in a while I might get a 14-16 incher but that is it.

for some reason the Red Lake River over here is shut down and has been for some time now???????

You would think that the fish would have moved back in after the dam was finished???? Hope they come back for winter anyhow.

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Sorry the fishings so slow around your neck of the woods. I haven't heard anything on the fishing around here lately. I'm thinking everyone has been out deer hunting. I don't deer hunt, but I haven't been fishing in a while now. I had to drastically cut back due to buying a camper for converting into an ice house! $$$ wink.gif$$$.

Now I reaaaallllyyy have the itch for da' ice! Sad to say the boat is getting put away for winter this week! frown.gif

Now I have a big project that will keep me busy till ice up. I have to convert an old stripped out camper shell into a sleeper house. Lots of work ahead, but definetly fun work! I hope? grin.gif

Oh well, good luck if you venture out anymore on open water this year.

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ya if you can get out around deer hunting and the cold weather the fish still seem to be hitting very well. I have fished this river for about 8 years and its probably the best i've seen it. All the walleye's have been really good sized eye's with good color to them. Sounds like more Catfish were being caught too. I think its gonna be an awesome winter!


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Where are you fishing? Must be by TRF... ? Our end has been overly bad to speak of all summer.. There are fish being caught now and again but nothing close to how it was the past few years.

I might have to make the trip over to TRF for a fish fix if that is the case. The last time I went over that way was when I checked out the new landing in St Hillair, and did not have any luck that day either, but I was mostly playing.

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West Union might be still open. In past years during deer hunting and till it was froze over the big eyes were hungry. It's probably the last lake around here to freeze up? Some times you might have to break some ice to get to open water.

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Off subject here but nice rig wiskers. I seen your rig on the road in Crookston while hauling beets last month, real sharp. Also Fish Toys I think I talked to you or maybe it was a relative of yours at the Northside gas station in Fertile. It wasn't till I got back in the truck that I seen the Fish Toys decals on the pickup.

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Anybody getting out on the ice in Thief River yet? I'm looking to get out on wednesday or thursday. Im gonna sacrifice a day of blackpowder for some ice fershin...........cant wait.

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There were a couple of guys out fishing in front of the 8th St. dock. They weren't very far out from the dock. Haven't checked this morning yet, but I'll bet there will be portables by the weekend. A little to thin for me yet!

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chopped a hole bout 30 ft out last night and the ice was bout 3-4 in of ice. closer to 4 than three so anad id say maple would be a go sat or sunday. was froze all the way over last week, but all the wind opened up a few spots in the middle but as for the sides it was 2 or so last weekend. i would be going tonight but still chasing deer with my bow and my musket tommorow.

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1tofish, I hear ya! I was really tempted to go down there and try it myself this weekend, but I think I'll wait another week or two. It would really suck to fall through the ice and die, just because I couldn't wait another couple of weeks. But if the ice is thick enough, I'll be down there. We'll see. wink.gif

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Drove by the 8th street landing and saw three wood ice houses scattered around down the river towards 3rd street. If there's time tomorrow, I might go and take some ice thickness measurements and possibly fish a bit myself. If it's under 4"'s I'm going home! I'll start at shore and start punching holes and see what it looks like. Weeeee, it's just about here!!!! grin.gif

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Went down to the River yesterday. Ice was 5" inches over 11 feet of water with current, so areas with less current should be even better? Didn't get to fish much due to getting down there with only 15 minutes of daylight left.

I tried fishing for a couple hours after dark, but to no avail.

I would have moved but it was so darn windy, I had a tough time getting my portable to stay put long enough to get it banked and get in! So I wasn't going to move again. tongue.gif

Anyways, it was fun just to get out again. I'll be back down there again this weekend, and get an earlier start this time. Wooo Hoooo! The Ice has cometh!

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Sounds like Maple is getting pretty good for walking out to a house by the park. Not a lot of reports as of yet but there are some being caught I am told, close to evening.

As for the river, Still too early in my book. that curent can change the ice over night. Please be careful and go with a buddy.!!!!!!

I dont want to come dragging for anyone and have to make that notification to your loved ones.

I am getting the Ice ITCH real bad..........

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Made it out this afternoon for awhile on the Thief River, 8 inches thick where we were fishing today. Caught 2 little snot rockets around 3:30pm and thats all the action we had. Weren't catching many but fun to be on the ice again.


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There were 5 houses out by the 8th street bridge and one guy was moving a monster house out last night. Can't say that I would put a house that big on the river this early but it appeared that there were fish being caught. Wag, if that was you man you got bigger ones than I LOL.


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Heading to maple friday night, I'll give you guys the report. hopefully the ice is safe enough. Don't like to go out on anything less then six inches.

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according to my cousin maple by the park is terrible so far. 8in of ice very cloudy water tried spearing couldnt see more than 2 or 3 feet. tried for the evening bite not anything. one guy did caught a crappine but that was the only one for two people in 4 hours. and some guy drove a 8by12 house out there with a 4 wheeler.

WAG you fish where wwe used to by our trailer. hows the muzzleloading going. still havent gotten my buck got a few does though. good luck and keep me posted have to try to get up there sometime soon.

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Ya, was out on maple friday night, was really slow. Good 8 inches of ice thou, won't be long and they will be driving out.

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Hey Rusty,Its Cooter Brown- Ed said you you like your Super Duty-Good Choice ,I love Mine.Gonna try to get up that way to Eds place again and do some fishing Up that way this winter. Good Day

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we had the two portables, just north of the bridge. Not brave enough to put a permanent out yet. So dont feel bad grin.gif

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Hey Cooter......... Love the Super Duty.. however I had to put a tranny in it already and all new injectors.. sigh sigh.. less than 65,000 miles on it too... NOT good in that part but over all I love that truck.. put in a EDGE Juice with attitude moniter now.. wow did that put it out of the park..

Ice here in Crookston above the dam in Central park is 1-1 1/2 feet already.. I have been out a few times so far. Seeing some fish but still trying to move in on where they are hiding.. the water is realy moving though.. put down 1 oz jigs and still can not keep them in view of the camera or the LX3. Gonna have to try the drop rig and see how that works.. Last night the fish were suspended at 8-10 feet when I was in 12 feet.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Yep that was me. How were the sugar beets?

Unfortunately I wasn't delivering icesaws. We were over there for a fund raiser for my younger brother Leslie. He was diagnosed with cancer. Leslie passed away on 11/9/05 1 day before his 51st birthday. Leslie was into racing and on the Interstate Dragways homepage they had a memorial for him. The site is under construction now because a hacker screwed up the website. GRRRR! You can do a search for Leslie Benbo and you will see he was good at racing! The only person from Interstate Dragways to win Division 5 finals and go to Pomona CA for the nationals! We don't know what we are going to do with his racing snowmobile yet. Leslie sure is missed by all of us and his friends.

I haven't heard of any reports around here about fishing. I took a tour past Lake Sarah & Union and there sure weren't many houses out. It looked like the lakes were flooding by the slush in the snowmobile tracks.

All of the fishingmn people have a Healthy & safe & prosperous 2006

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Any reports or is everybody grin.giffishing and no puter time? MN MIKE have you been out?
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Fish, how's it goin' ? Haven't had much time to stop by....

We got the fish houses out but actual fishing time is pretty slim right now. Caught some Crappies locally but it's pretty slow compared to last year so far.

The big house is on Buffalo but we only got about 1/2 hour fishing time in before we left. Dads on jury duty ( I don't think they could have picked a worse time of the year for him !! boy is he mad ! ). I'm gone on vacation next week so fishing time is going to be very little until the end of the month, then we will have to do some catching up!

I haven't seen Philip or Helmer lately, I would imagine something is brewing.....



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