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tracking help


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last year when I was out deer hunting I shot my first deer with my bow. As my dad was helping me track it he kept pointing out these "huge" blood spots scattered on the ground. I could never really see them and couldn't figure out why until awhile later. It turns out that I am really color blind and have a really hard time telling the difference between red, green, and brown. This means that I can hardly ever follow a blood trail. I am just wondering if any of you guys have this problem, and if you do, does anybody make some sort of sunglasses or something that helps the blood stand out better? thanks for any info


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I think there is a spray material that makes blood glow. Not sure that would help in your situation or not, I have noot tried the stuff myself.

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That was my only thought too Bigdog. Boy that makes it tough. My dad has that red color blind deal and I know how he's struggle with seeing anything red for forever so it has to be tough.

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Yes, they sell a product to spray on the ground that turns the blood blue, otherwise spraying hydrogen peroxide will bubble when it touches any blood. Only problem with both of these is if you have lost the trail or the deer goes a long ways it would be expensive.

I might also suggest putting a String Tracker on your bow. Its basically like a fishing real with something like 1000 yards of white string. When you shoot a deer the string is attached to your arrow and goes wherever your arrow goes. I have never used one but know a few bear hunters that do and they think the they are great. Only thing I have heard is that you do not want to shoot much past 25 yards because it may affect arrow flight. Either way you should practice with it and know its limitations.

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A flashlight with a blue filter will illuminate the blood at night, so will a coleman lantern. Ken

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That Coleman lantern deal is true! The white gas Coleman's light up that blood like a neon sign. Never tried it with a propane.

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Try some hydrogen peroxide and water mixed in a spray bottle. Spray it on the ground and the blood should foam up. My dad is color blind and always has me track his deer. Being color blind would make tracking really tough.


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thanks for all the ideas guys, I am really looking forward to actually being able to track my own deer with some of these tips....wingnutken do you think a pair of blue tinted sunglasses would have the same effect if worn during the day?

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2 years ago I heard of a company in Texas (I think) that was developing a pair of goggles for just such a situation. It was being developed for the military and that was the last I'd heard about it.

Has anyone heard anything about the goggles. It is suppose to make individuals who are color blind see the colors in their true state.

I'll look for the article in one of my old mags and see if I can come up with it and if I find it I'll post it.

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thanks again guys, right now its looking like I might not need any help tracking at all though, even I can see red against a nice white snowy back ground!!!!

(i go to school out in wisconsin)

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