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Red Green-know him?

Bobby Bass

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I just got back from over at my brother-in-laws and I swear he is the brother to Red Green. Does any one else have a relative who could pass for a relative of Mr duct tape? I was over there to retrieve about two tool boxes of tools that just happen to find their way to his garage but could not find there way back to mine. Some may be lost forever as they are now handles to other things or have been simply recycled..he does the biodiesel thing, has an oil recycle burner in his garage, makes the rounds to pick up waste oil and cooking oil. The house smells like a cheap McDonald's and he really needs to move to the country for a larger storage space. I'm not saying he is not handy but try to use something he has fixed?

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If you ever run into ZapBranigan ask him to do his red green impression. Its absolutely amazing!! grin.gif)

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A hunting buddy of mine owns about 60 acres north of Mille Lacs as his weekend place. He built the place with lumber sawn from trees he harvested. His shower is seperate from the house and is gravity fed from a barrel on the roof, and water pumped from the lake. He finally got electricity two years age(owned the place for over 20) and he dug the buried line to the house with a power auger and a ditching spade. When he invites me up, he pauses and says, Do you think you can bring up your chain saws?, meaning he needs a winter wood supply cut. He roofed his utility barn with left-over shingles in three or four different colors. If he likes, he can deer hunt from his back porch. He has several old fish houses that are used for storage and guest quarters. He spent more on his latest Labrador than he did on his wife's diamond. All in all, a man's man. smile.gif

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