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After butchering what is the proper way to dispose of the bones, head etc. This subject is not covered anywhere that I can find and not in the regs? Can I bring them out in the woods and let the birds and animals have a feast? Thanks for any reply.

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Getting rid of the mess can definately be a pain. Nothing worse than seeing this stuff dropped off along the roadways by people to lazy to drag this off in the woods. My suggestion is to check with your local landfill. I bagged up 5 carcasses and went to local landfill (plus I got rid of other misc. garbage from fall clean-up) cost me $18.00. Much easier than making a "midnite run" somewhere.

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I'm with mouse, seeing this crap along the road just gives the Anti's something else to complain about. However, I take my scraps out to my Mom's place and feed the cats out behind the barn. I personaly don't see anything wrong with giveing back to mother nature either. just don't toss the stuff out in the ditch. I know a guy who likes to tye it down to a fence post so it can't be drug off, and goes back to shoot crows in a couple of days ooo.gif

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We hang the ribcage/spine up in a tree (coyotes can't reach). The woodpeckers love it! Of course it there are situations where you shouldn't do this, use your own judgement.

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Mine just goes into the woods off a gravel road far enough so motorists can't see it. Let the animals and birds in on the bounty, I always say.

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I dump it off the end of my field in the edge of the cattails. The stray cats, fox, coyotes, whatever clean it up pretty good.

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I wish more people would put them in the trash rather than back in the woods. I live in the country and my dogs stick around my yard all year long until after deer season. They can smell those carcass' for a long way and always seem to wonder off to the various piles of bones left by hunters. Not only is this not good for them to eat the tallow but it's a major pain having them run off by the tempation of the smell. Plus they roll in the rotting carcass and are dragging back sawed off legs, whole deer heads etc. all winter long.

Last year after a fresh snow, I followed my dogs tracks over a half mile to a pile of deer carcasses that a neighbor had piled on the ice in front of his house so he could watch animals come eat the remains. I also find spots where people have just dropped off the carcass in the woods.

Because of this problem I spent several hundred dollars on an electronic pet containment system that will only get used after deer season. Like I said, the rest of the year they don't leave my yard. (Yes my dogs are in a kennel at night and during the day when I'm at work so they are not running deer. They are only loose to run the yard in the morning before I leave and in the evenings.)

Remember, what is the middle of the woods for most people is just past the backyards of some of us and we have to deal with these remains the entire winter.

Please cut them up into chunks with a bone saw, bag them and throw them in the garbage.


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I hear you. When I dump them in the woods, it's up in the national forest bordering the BWCAW. That's where I hunt. No people live there.

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