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Anyone else notice any small ponds or sloughs with ice on them this morning? Some of the old rearing ponds at work, down here at Sallie had ice on them. Hopefully a sign of better things to come!

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hmmm.. that's interesting. I was fishing two weeks ago and the surface temp was still 49. The fish were not going yet in this lake. And I know they will. each year, like clockwork, they walleyes bite great in the spring and fall in this spot. Last year, after we shot our deer, we went out and caught our limit at 2 in the afternoon. Anyone else catching fish?

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To be honest, I haven't gone out since the stream trout season closed in lakes last month frown.gif

The next time I go out will be on hard water...

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This is kinda crazy but I had the dog out for a run and swim at Pebble Lake by Fergus this afternoon.

A couple maybe in their 30's came out and took a 15 minute swim! No wetsuits. Couldn't believe it!

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Along with Dl, Little Corm, Upper Corm, leif, lida, and lake 15,13 are also froze up tight! just my observations on my travels today.. lookin Good!

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i also noticed the cold temps did wonders to many of the small lakes/sloughs along hwy 34 and around pelican. hope the cold weather stays, could be some fun fishin soon! grin.gif

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Did those little lakes really freeze over?

That is great news.

High of 47 on Sunday is not good news.

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High of 47 on Sunday is not good news

not looking good for ice, let's hope the weather guys are wrong grin.gif

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Oops, Yup I meant Ida. most of the ice looks pretty bad allready,

47..? Maybe One more time in the boat!!

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I heard that the lakes up north are looking pretty good. It has been a lot colder up there.

May have to make a trip.

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