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Sorry, OT but I need a place to live

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As I posted, I will be moving up that way in Jan. Wife will be staying herein La Crosse, WI where I am now until this house sells and she finishes a semster of school she just started. I need a reasonably priced place to lay my head at night, cook a meal after work and wash my backside daily.

Everything I cna find on-lineis at leat 450 a month. Thats higher than I can afford plus pay for the utilities and eat. Anyone know of anyone who winters in Fla and needs a mature (Im 41) non smoking house sitter for the winter?

Other ideas are welcome as well.

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I'm a LaCrosse native, myself. Finding a decent place around Duluth for under $450/mo is a toughie. Sorry I don't have any help to give you. I wish you well in the move. It's a great place to live, and you'll have far better ice for much more of the winter up here than you found on the backwaters of the mighty Mississippi. cool.gif

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Why don't you shoot me an email. I would like to get some more info from you, but I do have a potential possibility in mind...need to think and talk about it some more. My email is hoyj @ co dot st-louis dot mn dot us. JH

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E-mail sent and sent back..wouldnt go thru

Mine is Fishahollik@ charter,net. I will try again.

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OK, this is crazy. Yours got returned to me. I tried it again, but I double-checked the address. If you don't get something soon, try:

courtneyhoy @ yahoo . com

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You may find a place for under 450 but it will be a little shady to say the least. I could put up with a place like that for a short period of time if nessisary, but I would not let my wife live in those type of neighborhoods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And a heater for your tent! blush.gif

Don't mean to make light of it. It can be hard to find a decent safe place in D/S when you haven't won the Powerball. frown.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

This isn't going well. I may have to look around Cotton, or Floodwood to find an "inexpensive" place.

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