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Rangers chasing away deers?


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I was wondering if they have the right to chase away deer into private or refugee land? We was hunting down south and saw a couple of ranger chasing and shooting like crazy two days before deer opener. The day after that, there was a helicopter going through every hill and valley there is, for four or five hours straight. That was a bummer. We went to check out what they were doing and my brother ask one of the ranger and he told him that that they were looking for deers. On opener we were set up on a ridge and on the other side of the hill side we saw orange and heard someone shooting and we pulled out the binocular to see what he was shooting at, He was shooting at trees or something, He shot about twenty rounds. We waited for about 30 minutes and got down from our stand and went to check if he got anything and to our surprise he was a ranger. We ask him if he got any deer and he didn't say anything but to mind our own business. Jeez that was rude.

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I'm sure they were not shooting at deer. Possibly some sort of varmit. There have been people in my area of MN seeing cougars running around. And trust me, they know the difference between a coyote and a cougar.

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If they were rude and said "mind your own business" I would take that personally and take badge numbers and follow up with their superiors.

How does that saying go? Abuse of power comes as no surprise...

I've never had anything but positive things to say about these type of officials and I usually give people the benefit of the doubt... what did you do when he said to mind your own business?

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When He told us to mind our own business, We just said "opps, sorry to bother you" and headed the other way. I know, we should of write down the badge number and report him but that was not our mind at the time. There's only four or five of them that we see down here and we remember his face well.

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I agree with Crappie Tom. By rangers, do you mean park rangers? If so, they are OUR employees, and EVERYTHING they do on the taxpayer's dime is our business. If I ask a public employee what he or she is up to, and they say "mind your own business," my face gets red and things are likely to get a little out of hand. I expect Tom's the same way about that.

Please tell us at what place this happened, and when. As a member of the press, I'll contact the appropriate authorities and see what they say. I'm no better than anyone else, but officials tend to have a slightly more respectful attitude, and tend to want to cooperate more, when they're dealing with someone who buys ink by the barrel.

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I would agree with everyone else that his response to you should not have been "Mind your own bussiness." If it was something that he couldn't discuss for whatever reason he should have been much more tactful.

Even if you didn't get a badge number the incident should still be reported and hopefully you won't have the same experience if you are in that area again.

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