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Bobby Bass

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OK can you explain your name? Bobby Bass here..When I was a young lad we would name the fish we were after, Wally walleye Norton the Northern Bobby the Bass and it just stuck on me as where every we went I always seem to catch the first bass. So for 30 years or so I have been called Bobby in the boat. When I got into computers the name was a natural to use as a handle.. I'm sure there are better stories then mine out there.. wink.gif

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Just sitting here at work but "Wishing to be fishing" thus the name Wishin2BFishin...How's about you all?

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I primarily fish for walleyes, therefore I appointed myself as Walleyeguy31. I secondarily fish for Crappies but thought anything involved with Crappie in a name kinda leaves the door open for scrutiny!

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Spending a day(s) off fishing has a very positive effect on me hence it takes the daze off my psyche and refreshes my outlook on life in general - in fact if get in full curmudgeon mode my wife will actually send me fishing for the attitude adjustment.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it....Hehehe...

Daze Off

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Well, I'm a big fan of the Simpsons. On a different forum, I am known as Duffman, one of may favorites. Well, here, the name was taken, so I went with another of my favorite characters.

I also enjoy a beer on occasion.

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Mine came from something I overheard in the Underwood Legion over a decade ago, back when the place was still called The Pub.

A friend and I were in there one evening, and it was rather quiet. An old norwegian farmer came in, and said, "Hey, take and give me a peer and one of dem pickled gisserts!"

I wrote down 'peer' and 'gissert' on a napkin. Once I started to go online, Gissert popped back into my brain (or 'prane' as the old timers say)

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I was working in a Sign shop about 13 years ago. I also did some airbrushing. My boss at the time started calling me airjer. It just stuck throught the years.

Not to brag but if you had small kids back then you may have seen some of my work. A company that did displays/vending booths for Sesame Street Live outsource jobs to us. I did the airbrush details on some of the artwork on the displays. Thats about my only claim to fame. smile.gif

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uhhh, well, its my name...

However, Deitz is only a nick name that everybody except for my brother calls me buy.. and he only calls me my real name to get on my nerves I think. grin.gif My real first name is Dedric. My nick name when I was a kid was Deeds because my middle initial is also a D... However, when introduced to a friends father he mispronounced it and said Deitz.. Stuck ever since.

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My nickname is pretty difficult to figure out, size 17 shoe so it's FOOT. Nickname was given to me in high school by a friend and it's stuck over the years. So much so in fact there are people that think my last name is FOOT.

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I have spent most of my "adult Life" either in a boat or on the ice during my free time. I've been known to wake up and give the wife, as she likes to call it, "the fishing look" and just take off to S Dak., N.Dak., Rainey, Kab and so on and so on. So when a friend of mine told me about this site I chose Fishing-Around, as in I fish anywhere and everywhere I have the chance. Dont get me wrong though, I'm not a real good fisherman, I just love doing it wink.gif

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I've done this before, but with so many new posters it needs repeating....I still have guys refer to my handle as "go-teer-man"

My handle is a simple phonetic spelling of "FISH"

GH=F as in touGH

O=I as in wOmen

TI=SH as in vacaTIon


makes sense to me....

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Icefishing about 4yrs ago. I got 38 bites that afternoon, my buds maybe totaled 30 bites between the two. I somehow only managed to ice 3 crappies. A bud even threw my jig away and tied on one of his, still didn't help. At the end of the night, a bud said it takes a very SPECIAL person to feed that many fish. So the name stuck but my luck is getting better. Now I'm only 1/5 bites.

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That's not the same reason you told me your called "Special" grin.giftongue.giflaugh.gifwink.gifsmirk.gif

I like the story that you told me better.


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Cody is my dog, a brittany. She is now 14.5 years old and I will never have another half as good as her. Codydog was taken so it became dawg. I hope people dont think I am some hood from the hood by spelling it that way.

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Well, the dogs live in the house, sleep on the beds, etc, etc so it's kinda like a pack and I got dubbed the big dog.

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If you've ever seen the movie Tombstone (and if you haven't shame on you, its the best movie ever made...), then you might remember Ike Clanton calling Wyatt Earp "Mr. Kansas Lawdog". Well, my brother thought that particularly apt for me as I'm a lawyer and I have a dog (two now...), so there you go. Therefore, I am lawdog...

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I'm a fan of Common Man Dan Cole on KFAN. He likes to call people tough guy. It was the first thing that popped into my brain when I signed up. I am still listed as a newbie next to my name. I have seen others with fewer posts and later reged dates then me with better status. Not that it really matters to me but how do the titles change?

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Hey lawdog, we won't hold that lawer stuff against ya! smile.gif When I was in the Air Force I used to do temporary duty at the Northeast Air Defense Sector up in New York. I talked to some of the guys up there about hunting a lot and when in IL I used to "slay" quite a few ducks. They started calling me Duckslayer and it kind of stuck. When I got here (this forum) that name was taken so I had to be The_Duckslayer. Have a good one and N Joy the Hunt././Jimbo

PS At my retirement luncheon from the Air Force they had a duck blind on my chair... does that tell ya anything about how much I hunted ducks?

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Best top water bait ever. And I've caught some of my biggest bass on them. And I've got box full of them So it just fit.

pop, pop, wham!!! grin.gif

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Well I love the Sport of Fishing and the year I reg. here was the year I got to live out my life's dream of a whole day charter trip with my father in the Florida Keys catching huge Sailfish,Marlin,& Dolphin Fish(aka..Mahi Mahi or Durado.)

Now every time I return to visit Dad in Florida we go out SportFishin'.



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