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last weekend

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I don't know why everyone is complainig about lack of birds, I ate 4 birds(2 mallard, 2 ringers) on friday, and kept these from saturday and sunday. 4 Ringers, 2 buffleheads, 2 geese,1 drake mallard, 1 drake widgeon. All from western Minnesota. There were many more birds in the area, easily could have had a 5 man possesion limit for the weekend. I have hunted new water every weekend to find new birds, scout in the afternoon, shot birds in the morning


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As of now I have a perfect drake blacduck, supermature woodduck, perfect ringneck and a red legged mallard with 4 curls for a dead mount. Still wating for my rooster and woddie from last year to ad to the 9 birds I already have on the wall.

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With the exception of geese, the ringnecks and few mallards around have been here a while in west centeral mn. I did see 2 sections of migrating geese, but the few mallards observred were in a refuge. Only 2-400 mallards which is not many for this particualar refuge

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I can't get out west so easily, heck I can barely find the time to get out locally, but around Buffalo I saw 2 ducks total in the air on Saturday morning. I've been out 3 times and have only managed to shoot at 1 duck..........and missed confused.gif I guess I'll try to head west more often next year. man this year is hurting me. low grouse, low ducks and I've been hunting management land with no pheasants. And I don't even want to hear you guys pipe in about all the birds out there. tongue.gif I think I'm doing the best I can given my time and resources. Oh well, it's still better than a day in the office and I'll never stop trying.

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I ran into the local CO and he said that I have been doing better than anyone that he has checked in the county all year. I have had a weekend limit every weekend since opener. Canvasbacks, buffleheads, bluebills, ringnecks, gw&bw teal, mallards, widgeon, blackduck, gadwalls, woodducks... pretty much everything but redheads, pintail, and ruddy duck. All you need to know is scout-birds are in little ponds that they are not normaly in.

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