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Thought a few of you hunters would think this was cute.

Deitz Dittrich

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actually, I cant take credit for it.. I just found it on the web and thought it was neat...

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that is an actual picture of my manhood. I had to assemble 2 of those dumb things this weekend for the wife. i tried to tell her that the light up deer would be like the pink flamingo was 20 years ago but she didn't buy it.....

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Catman, she'd have bought it if you lived in Wisconsin! grin.gif

Wish I'd have thought of it. Of course, it might have landed me in divorce court, but a guy's gotta have his priorities.

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i just keep telling myself that some of this crap she has me doing might look not as dumb as spending a thousand dollars on a prairie dog rifle to someone else. I'm guessing i'm not the only man here who does stuff he doesn't want to......what should we do?

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