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Be sure to watch KTTC tonight at 10pm. Word has it that our own Crappie Tom will be featured in a deer hunting story...

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Wes, this was a quick couple minutes and answers about the use of chemical attractants ...ie. stump licker, deercane, mineral licks. I almost missed my minute of fame.

This was sort of a "right now" type of interview and I had just crawled out of the woods an hour earlier. No time for the razor, no make-up artist,....just me dragging my woods-weary and crusty carcass in front of the camera for a few questions.

It is an interesting topic and I am curious where this will go now that the dnr is taking a little closer aim at what is actually in some of these products. I have tried them a couple times over the years and think that the deer tend to get real nocturnal when visiting the sites where these chemicals are put.

It is my understanding that the dnr wants wording in the regs that eliminates any product's use if that product contains any kind of ingredient that has food value. Molasass has been a target here due to the food value. Apples are another target as is corn. Some of the marketed "licks" and blocks contain these ground into the formula and make them questionable with the current laws. The DBR wants the wording changed to eliminate some of those products. And to clarify here, if the "food" source is used as animal food, not just for human consumption, it is still considered a food source. Some of this stuff is nothing more than glorified livestock suppliment and I am all for removing these things from the list of legal attractants.

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I thought Tom did a great job with the interview. It was on very short notice and he handled that well...and looked the part!

I'll see what I can do about getting a digital version that can be mailed...

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Would the clip be in the tv stations website? If so, couldn't it be linked here? crazy.gif

It's always nice to see video clips (short ones that don't take too much download time anyway). Another 10 seconds of fame cool.gif too!

Eitherway congrats Crappie Tom! grin.gif

ps everytime I have video taken of me...I end up on the editing room floor... blush.gif

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