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Smart Deer


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So since I'm deer hunting Wensday to Sunday next week I thought I'd take my son out on this morning for some quality time in the duck blind..beautiful morning, dekes look great, can see a few deer hunters in the woods in the surrounding area since this is a Wildlife Management Area. All of a sudden my son goes "Dad! look at the deer!" I said "Where?" and he goes "swimming in the water" and sure as ^%$& there is a doe swimming across the slough and through our deke spread..took a couple pics even just to prove it, also amazing was that she went right through the middle of our spread and didn't snag any of the dekes thank god. She must have been feeling some pressure I quess, she just got to the other side, in the the cattails and into the woods she went. Crazy.

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I've seen that before. We had a doe swim just outside the dekes a few years ago. She swam over to the marsh and disappered. It was pretty cool. And one of my hunting and fishing buddys had a nice 8 point buck swim past the front of the boat when he was out walleye fishing on the St.Louis river. That would have been cool to see. smile.gif

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I walked out of the cabin one morning to see a doe drinking by the lake between me and the woods. She took one look at me, one look at the lake, and started to swim for the other side. It's just over a mile across the lake and I watched her with the binocs as she swam the whole thing. Got up on the other side looked back at me and off into the woods she went. Absolutly incredible.

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I've seen this several times down here on Lake Pepin (Mississippi River). The deer don't seem to be afraid at all about swimming from WI to MN and back again.

The current does throw them a curve as they usually wind up several hundred yards or more south of where the entered the water, but they make it just fine.

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