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coach prospects


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It is probably safe to say the entire Viking coaching staff will be tanked at the end of the season. Who are some head coaches or coaching prospects you would like to see roam the Vikings sidelines next year?

Here are some on my short list in no particular order:

1.Jimmy Johnson-have him name his price.

2.Scott Linnehan

3.Tyrone Willingham

4.Barry Alvarez

5.Bob Stoops

6.Gary Kubiak

I am sure there are others. Who would be on your list?

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I would like to see Linnehan. And then bring in all different coaches after him. If they worked all preseason on game plans they could be set for next year.

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I like Linehan, as do the Viking players. He got a lot more out of Culpepper than Loney did this season, that much is clear.

I am not sure Jimmy Johnson is willing to give up the announcers booth and easy schedule, as he already has two Super Bowl rings and a national championship in college. When he left the Dolphins it sounded like Johnson had had enough of the coaching grind, and wanted more time to spend on his fishing boat.

I am not impressed with Willingham, as it now looks like he wasn't able to get the most out of the talent he had at Notre Dame. Weis has won this year largely with players Willingham recruited, and the last thing the Vikings need is another coach who does not properly utilize his players or push them to succeed.

Stoops is a good college coach, but the track record of college head coaches making the leap to the NFL (Steve Spurrier, Pete Carroll, Butch Davis) is mixed--coaching a college team and coaching a pro team require very different skills. Jimmy Johnson made it, and Saban is doing all right so far, but they may be the exceptions that prove the rule.

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What about Martz in St. Louis? Sounds like he's burning some bridges there and may not be back there next year.

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I'd like to see Reid or someone like him. He showed Owens the door and the team will be better for it. Some good butt chewing for the Vikes is in order.

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What about Mason??? confused.gif

Seriously though, they wouldn't keep linnehan as a coordinator, what makes you think they would bring him back as a head coach? Try to steal one of the Colts coordinators with that Tony D mentality.

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Ex-Giants coach Jim Fassel? His teams sure kicked the stuffing out of the Vikes during his coaching tenure.

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Shooter from the Pioneer Press was saying Pete Carroll could be a candidate if the Trojans won a third national championship.

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How about Archie Manning and have him bring his sons with him?

With Ziggy now the owner, the new coach would probably have some ties to the Giants so the Fassell idea could be a thought or Parcells (in all of our dreams).

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I heard somewhere that Brian Billiick's name was thrown around. I think that it might be a decent possiblity that he would come back. If he could bring the offence that the Vikings had under him and the D the Ravens have had--that would be a good thing! Also, with Jamal Lewis as a free agent--maybe he would follow Billick--we might not want him--but he would probebly fit in well with the current Vikings!

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I don't want to see Fassel here, he got nothing from his teams in New York. He reminds me alot of Denny Green and we don't want that. If Billick doesn't turn things around in Baltimore I have heard he could be available. He is definetly my vote. I think we would have a chance at getting him.

Carrol has already come out and said he is not interested in the Vikings job same with Jimmy Johnson. Also Linehann is overrated I think. he isn't getting much going in Miami, what makes you think he could do it here again as a head coach?

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i think ziggy will give tice one more chance.ROTFLMAO. they do need to clean out the coaching staff though i hope they get a good coach they have the good players then need the guiadiance now

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Carroll didn't impress me as an nfl coach. Too much of a players type coach. I don't think that works well in the nfl. He is perfect for college. Billick would be a good choice if Baltimore cans him. Not sure about Marriucci. Don't think he can build a team. Here a couple more names to toss around. Art Shell or Jim Tressell (Ohio State). In any case, the coming off season will be very closely watched by all us fans. I am sure Zygi has a big list of names for front office and coaches.

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I say no to Billick, because he has run Baltimore's offense into the ground and only won a ring because of Ray Lewis and the defense. I say no to Carroll because he impressed no one with his last stint in the NFL. Fassell was only good at beating the Vikings; besides that his teams were chronic underachievers. Why everyone wants to hire these NFL retreads who couldn't get it done first time around is beyond me.

Linehan was let go by the old cheapskate owner Red McCombs; hopefully Wilf will be willing to spend what it takes to bring a real coach in here.

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I agree with the last post except what he said about Billick. He didn't run the offense into the ground. It was alredy dead and buried when he got there. The main problem they have had there is that the defense is almost to good. The defense keeps their record at a respectable level which prevents them from getting a good draft pick where they could gain some offensive talent. They are one quarterback away from a stud team again.

Besides, does it really matter how he wins games? The point is he is a superbowl champion and has gotten good play out of his team almost every year despite its short comings.

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I don't spose there's a candidate from the Bob Knight School of Player Development.

If Archie Manning gets the job and brings both his boys, I hope "someone's a$$ is gonna be whipped."

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I'm all for Billick. He will be avialable and I think he has a great football mind. We need someone with head coach experiance, playoff and super bowl experiance so the players take him and his ideas seriously.

Jimmy Johnson will never coach anywhere north of the mason dixon line let alone up here in the permafrost.

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Billick is one of the most over-rated coaches on this forum. He will be available because he has failed to do anything in Baltimore when left to his own devices, and will most likely be fired for that. Ray Lewis and the Ravens defense were already in place when Billick arrived from Minnesota, and coaching that defense to a Super Bowl was the work of defensive coordinator Marvin Lewis, who is now head coach in Cincinatti. Billick was hailed as an offensive genius in Minnesota, but in Baltimore that genius did things like stick with the awful Kyle Boller. Billick's alleged genius as offensive coordinator was due to running Denny Green's system and personnel. Green had his flaws as a head coach, but picking offensive personnel and implementing an offensive scheme was not one of them.

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Your only as strong as your weakest player though and lets just say Baltimore had a few weak players smile.gif

And their QB is one of them, kinda hard to win games with a terrible QB.

But bring him in to a Offense that is already setup and ready, well he doesn't have to lose any sleep over it.

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They won a super bowl with a terrible QB (Dilfer)! But that was a deal where they just told him not to lose it for them.

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