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Was out bowhunting for the last time tonight before gun season. Had a fair eight pointer come in at 4:30. Made the shot and ended up hitting him in the neck, just in front of the brisket, the arrow did not pass through. I waited about 20 minutes and started tracking. Found no blood until the arrow broke off and then found small amounts of blood along the trail.

I tracked the deer for about 150 yrds through a swamp, with little sign of blood, mainly following tracks in the muck with occasional blood. I did find an area that looks like he laid down, for there was a good amount of blood on the grass and trees, after that nothing. Lost the track and blood. It had gotten dark at this time and of course started raining so I will hold out until morning to pick up the trail, if we can find it again.

Anyone ever hit a deer in the neck, if so did they die? What do you think the chances are of finding this deer?

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Had a similar situation about a month ago, only my hit was a touch farther back behind the base of the neck. Similar situation small amount of blood that pretty much disappeared after 100 yards. Unfortunately I was not able to recover that deer. Did he survive? That one is anybody's guess. None of the hunters in the area have seen him in a month + so its hard to say. In general with neck shots I'd say if you dont hit the spine or a major artery/vein, its not likely to be fatal. Good luck in finding him, I hope you can recover him, its painful to lose any deer, especially a nice one.

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I would say it's a lost deer.I had the same thing several years ago on a nice 13 non typical.September 27th i hit him in the neck at 41 yards.Wind was blowing prety good cross ways.I too tracked this buck about 150 yards.Lost the blood trail looked for the next 5 days.Came back everyday watchin for the crows not a thing

Nov 4th opener i sat on my same stand while some hunters about a 1/4 mile away walked along the same fence line i tracked this buck on.Then i seen 1 of them pointing in the set-aside field 1 snuck around then a boom.I could hear them say woohooo a 13 pointer.I walked over and sure enough it was the same buck.This buck weighed about 190lbs when i made the shot and that day he weighed about 100lbs soak and wet.

Took me along time to pick my bow up after that day.Maybe yours will get dusted this weekend

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Well, we just got back from a 4 hr search and no deer.

Started where I had left off last night, and with all the rain we had overnight, any blood or hair we may have found was gone. No sign at all.

We set up a search to cross back and forth in the swamp, and after 4 hours, nothing.

This will be my first lost deer, it makes me sick to think of loosing one, but if you give it an effort, there is nothing else you can do.

Good luck to everyone this weekend. Shoot straight...

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Sorry to hear that you didnt find him, Hopefully he is still alive and well and you will get another shot at him. Good luck this weekend!

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