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Is It Rut Yet


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Deer are definitely in chase mode here in Duluth. Not in full rut yet though I dont think. Rattled in two bucks last night but they wouldnt come close enuf for a shot.

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buddy just called me to mock me for not being able to go out this weekend and having to wait untill next weekend. the guys i hunt with just got done with the annual friday before season "where should we sit" drive around the area we hunt and my buddy said they saw several different bucks chasing does as well as one buck already bedding with two does. looks like im gunna miss out on the action for sure!

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Every doe we saw had does with them. 4 of us saw 35 deer today. Deer were moving all day long here in the Brainerd area. Let all the bucks go, saw one big shooter buck but couldn't get a shot. Can't wait till tomorrow!

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15 miles east of Park Rapids -

8 hunters in our group, no one saw a buck all day Saturday or Sunday morning. Only 3 of us even saw a doe. The deer were not moving. There was no sign of rut activity at all. This is by far the slowest opener we have ever had.

By the way, this area we hunt is good. There are a lot of deer but when they aren't moving hunting sucks, it's pretty thick country.

Going back up on Friday and I pray to God the rut is going!

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They were in full on chase mode near Princeton. I saw more bucks this weekend than the last 3 years combined. I had a big 8 come by on Saturday morning, but never got a shot. Saw lots of 4 and 6 pointers on the move in the woodlines. I also saw a massive 10 in the middle of a picked bean field at 2:00 in the afternoon. Unfortunately he was 400 yds away in a shotgun zone, and I could only get him halfway in with horns and grunts. (Wind was wrong)

I did take a nice 8 yesterday, though. grin.gif

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I think that the rut is starting but not in full swing. On saturday I saw a doe go by and a few minutes later a spiker walked by where the doe had went. It is so warm that I think they are doing most of their activety at night.

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Down in the SW corner the rut is on. I got my buck trailing a doe. My uncle shot a buck and the doe it was trailing. Saw plenty of chasing.

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We saw chasing going on in the Battle Lake area.

But only during VERY low light conditions. During the day was awfully quiet for bucks.

The anterless deer we saw during, were for the most part running at full steam. More than likely running from being shot at or scared by something.

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