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Fall Wild Turkey Hunt?!?!?!


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With the start of the second season tommorrow, just wondering who out there has taken part in the fall season. If so, please share any experiences, success stories or otherwise!

On a side note, it looks like birds in our zone are grouping up into larger flocks, and separating by sex. Three times now I've seen a group of about 6 toms with 7 or 8 jakes. Seems awfully early to start grouping up for the winter! Hopefully some of you guys run into such flocks!


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Not much to post. My son and I hunted the first season Wed - Fri. Saturday was my granddaughters 2nd birthday so no hunting there and then we were back out on Sunday. Saw some but didn't get close. The farm we hunt had corn planted right up to the tree line and nothing had been picked.

Great to be out but it would have been nice to have a chance. Also the woods were thick as all get out. In some places we couldn't see 20 feet.

Lots of squirrel, some grouse, one fox and 15 turkey were seen. Turkey were too far, 100 plus yards. Looked like they were breaking up into groups.

Good luck.

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We went out for the first season near the Cannon Falls area. On an area that has produced for us (24lbs spring Tom) we did not see nor hear anything. Most of the crops were still up in this area and it was very windy making it hard to hear anything.

Out of the five plus years hunting in this area, this is the first time we did not see any birds. We are still not sure what we were doing wrong.

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I do not hunt the fall hunt simply because I spend all fall in the Fergus area and that zone is not open in the fall. We do have a ton of turkeys and I have been seeing them almost everytime in the bow stand. We have had a group of 15 toms and jakes that have been grouped up for about 4 weeks. Does seem early. Also have 2 groups of hens with youngins who are growing up nicely. They seem to like to roost near my bow stand which is nice for covering my movement and noise in the evening bow stand. Fun to watch them come in and go up to the roost right above me. Good luck to you fall hunters.

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Went out south metro. Took the 5 year old along for the trip. He was having a great time when he started to yell there was a squirrel in the tree above us. As he did this 5 turkey's took off less then 15 yards from us. Got a mature hen on a quick shot. Was a blast. And the son had fun to. Good Luck

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I bought this turkey license in SD on a lark, cant even blame alcohol. So if I manage to shoot one, should I pluck it or skin it? I plan on roasting it if that helps, thanks a lot.

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Ahhhhh....to pluck or to skin.....

If roasting or deep frying, you'd be better off plucking and leaving the skin on. Turkey (wild or domestic) dries out quite a bit without skin and/or continual basting.

We usually take the breasts for grilling if in a hurry, or with some more time we'll pluck and then deep-fry.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just wondering if anyone knows of any place around Hastings that has some turkey hunting available. I know there's some public land but looking for maybe some private land if possible. Would really love some help.


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