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Ok, we need some humor here.What crazy things has your dog eat???


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Tennis balls. Apparently they're not for chasing, not for fetching, they're for eating. A tennis ball won't last 5 minutes in this house. First, pick all the fuzz off and leave that on the floor, then, down goes the rubber part.It's like he's skinning them first. Oh, and the cat's toys. They're for swallowing whole. Unfortunately, the cat doesn't want them back after they've been 'processed'.

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a mounted wood duck. My lab, now 9 was about 10 weeks old and I was moving. I had the wood duck in a cardboard box and I ran into a neighbor in the driveway. I loaded the pup and the box in the cab of the truck and a few minutes later I remembered what I had done. There was my hunting pal and a drake wood duck in about 200 pieces. I wanted to yell at him but I realized it was my fault and yelling at a puppy for wanting a duck wasn't a good foot to start out on. I shot that duck when I was a kid, it was a prized possession but my pup has turned into a great retriever, I'd like to think that wood duck helped him understand his purpose.

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Cow pies.

On the trip back home, all the windows were open....can you say "Purple Haze"?...LOL

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My lab has had two memorable chewing experiences. Once he ate part of a rug that I had on his kennel floor. Blocked up his intestines good. We were an hour from an expensive surgery when he started bucking and coughing. A few minutes later out came a huge chunk of carpet. Problem solved.

In the next incident he chewed through the wall in his chain link kennel. Yes through the metal links. He didn't eat them he just chewed through them. I can't believe he didn't wreck his teeth. I was on a fishing trip at a friends cabin. My wife called up there and told me what he did. I couldn't believe it. One of the wires poked through his bottom eyelid but it didn't cause any damage to his eye.

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Oh yeah! My lovely Lab experiences!!

A friend drove his brand new snowmobile to the shack and I let the ole yeller out for a break before we left for a trail ride. If you can picture a big yellow lab grabbing, chewing, tearing and throwing chunks of seat out of his mouth as fast as he could.....that's what it looked like when I looked out the window to check on him! shocked.gif

The sled had 7 miles on the odometer!! Beware of labs and bright green Arctic Cat seats, I heard labs prefer those. LOL That put me $400 down.

I arrived home from work to find my breezeway a complete disaster. Massive holes in the sheetrock and insulation covering the floor. Lots of work and materials for that job. mad.gif

I think I put most of it behind me....

The most recent one was my dogs went over to my neighbors through the woods and found some old stinky northern pike remains. Came home and up-chucked those on the carpet in their room. Then proceeded to have some pretty serious runs the day later. crazy.gif

Sometimes I wonder if these pea brains are worth it... grin.gif

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I've had two dogs that liked the odd objects for a meal. The first one liked most of the standard things, TV remotes, underwear from the laundry hamper, one of my electronic test instruments, chair legs, etc. But his best event was our brand new living room carpet. We were living in our first house house as newlyweds. We scraped and saved for a few years to afford the remodel of the living room, all the while the dog was dining on the above list occasionally, never showing an appetite for flooring. The project finally started, and I worked on it evenings for quite a long time before I completed it. Turned out great, was really proud of myself. We come home from work one day about a month after the project is completed and there is a hole in the middle of the new living room carpet the size of a dinner plate. I thought my sweet, calm wife was going to go after that dog with a butcher knife! Just about pushed her over the edge. Second dog is a 100# lab without an ounce of fat. He's a big brute, nothing bothers him. About the time he's 10 or 11 months old, I decide to take him ice fishing with me, figuring he can run around the lake and get some exercise. After a day of targeting bluegills, I am packing up my equipement on a sleigh to pull it back to my dad's cabin when the dog lopes by. He's got a habit of tasting everything, so what does he do? He wanders over to where I am finishing up, calmly looks over my equipment, sees one teardrop jig hanging from a rod with the larvae still hanging on it, and procedes to lick it. Of course, since it's a nice sharp hook it sticks to the center of his tongue. Before I can react, he flinches a bit, breaks the 1 lb mono, then swallows the jig. I stood there dumbfounded not believing what I just saw, the dog is looking back at me like "What?". Needless to say it was an embarassing call to the vet to explain what happened and set up the exam. The vet is laughing all the while telling me what the surgery is going to cost if the hook snags somewhere in his guts. I make the appointment for Monday midday. On Monday I come home from work, grab the dog and load him in the truck to get to the vet by the appointed time, then decide to check out the "present" he left in his outdoor kennel, all the while thinking to myself that I couldn't get that lucky. Sure enough, I recovered the jig. I avoided a big vet bill, but my wife still hasn't let me live down the day I caught a #100 dogfish.


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My lab a tube of my wifes rejuvinating eye creme. The reason it's "rejuvinating" is because it's loaded with caffeine. She ate it when I was at work. When I opened the door upon arriving home, I literally was given a four paw drop kick by my dog. I have never seen an animal so fired up, she was panting and running full speed from the living room to the kitchen and all over the place. I didn't realize what she had gotten into at this point, so I was very worried that she was having some type of mental breakdown. Every plant in the living room was demolished and dirt all over the carpet. Every piece of paper in the house was ripped to shreds. I virtually had to tip toe between the plants and dirt and paper and kitchen utensils strewn everywhere to make my way to the sliding door. I let her outside and she was so wired, she wouldn't even retrieve her dummy, I'd throw it, she'd run half way and then turn back and run full speed towards me. Finally after realizing she wasn't going to keel over, I made my way back into the living room to investigate the war zone for some clues. Unidentifiable chunks of plastic didn't seem to the problem, green plant chlorophyll ground into the carpet didn't seem to be the problem. Stuffing from the destroyed pillows didn't seem to be the problem, Then I noticed the tube of eye creme ripped apart next to the couch. This was the only item that I figured could be the reason she went nuts. I called the poison control line for animals and gave them the name of the product and Wall-lla, CAFFEINE...

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Anything to do with minnows. If I am ice fishing and leave the minnow bucket lid off the dog will sit next to the bucket, head down staring at the minnows, when a minnow gets to the top - whamo! She ate one off the tip up - hook and all. Also - had a rapala still in the box on the coffee table. When I heard the yelping - I knew what was up. One treble in the mouth - the other treble in her paw. Try calming a lab down with that mess going on. Looked like a murder scene with all the blood scattered. Dog will chomp every fish except rockbass & tullibee. Wont even get close to those.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      Excuse my ignorance, but was is driving the bait prices? Usually the shortage is due to a late ice-out from the swamps and streams. This year should have been much better.
    • CigarGuy
      I should probably learn to use the 6+ containers of lures I have collecting dust in my tackle box. We got on a decent crappie bite the last couple of evenings and I broke out some plastics.  I caught some crappies on them ,just need to build my confidence in using them! I did notice they didn't seem to hold on to them as long as minnows!
    • PSU
      Great news, thank Skunked  
    • jim curlee
      Minnows are 50 cents each, and leeches are $50 a pound.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Absolutely. I get full bars all-along the drive from Cook to The Landing, and out into Head O Lakes bay. I can't say that I've stared much at my phone signal anywhere else besides on my way to Black Bay. We still don't get much for service there because there are a lot of steep slopes with tall trees in the way. That was expected though. The tower is definitely providing better service to the area in general IMO.
    • PSU
      Any updates on this new tower? Has it helped AT and T customers throughout the lake get better service?
    • Jetsky
      Thanks for the heads up. Cigar.
    • monstermoose78
      The price will blow your mind if they get some 
    • CigarGuy
      Went in to Lucky 7 to get some crappie minnows today. All they had were crappie minnows and fatheads. She said to call in advance for the opener, couldn't say for sure if they'd have rainbows, shiners, etc for opener!
    • SkunkedAgain
      I hope to see it and believe it next week! Nice looking crappie
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