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Garrison Area-Need Help This Weekend!!


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I know this lake and the fisherman on it seem to be very secrative, even though this appears to be the most fished and researched lake in history other than the Loch Ness. There probably isn't a hole, sunken island, drop off, mud flat, inlet, or outlet not known (let alone not known by hundreds or even thousands of other fisherman). Yet so few on this lake appear to want to give up any REAL info about when or where. I understand to a point. But as previously stated, SOMEONE else knows your secret spot. Having stated this and P.O.'d several people, wondering if anyone else not upset by a real fisherman asking for real advise as to if fishing has been good and how deep on Mille Lacs walleye may biting may be able to offer an advise for this coming weekend. I don't know much about the lake, but after looking at this "region" on this site, most people seem evasive or unresponsive compared to other areas in the state on this same web-site.

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I fished the St Albans bay last weekend and got a few fish shallow. All were less than 17 feet. Fished deper water without a bite. If you are on the North end dont rule out some of the mud flats or take a ride up to Carsolana in the sand. You are right about there being no secret spots but it is a huge lake with alot of less pressured spots. Those are the places you will see me fishing. If I am near a crowd I will be on the outside of it. Buy the Whiffer map and do some exploring. It is a great tool.
Good Luck

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If you are not familier with lakemasters software on Milly I would take a look at it. It is a must have for a serious Milly fisherman! It is also great because they sell it right here on this web site. Yes you are right about the secrets on this lake. With the help of a product like lake master you can start to put some spots together. For instince I believe Red Eye was nice enough to post a good bit in the evenings on rocks in 12 to 14 foot. You could look on this software and identify many of these types of spots to try. Derek has said 20-22 feet has been best for him again I think he is on rocks also I believe he mainly fishes the south and east side. Hey it is a start, right? Duanes flat in shah-bush bay starts as mud and then turns into rocks on the south side. As one of the lakes closest offshore mudflats with a transition to rocks, it can be HOT this time of year. Good Luck

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Uncle Dave- Not sure where that came from?
If you look at posts in this forum I think plenty of information gets shared. I have written this week on my last weeks venture on the pond to include depths and structures, wind direction, catch to keep ratios, hook color, time of day. I shared everything except a gps mob. If I had it, I would have probably shared that too. Sorry you feel that way. Feel free to ask any questions. I will share any info I can with you to make your weekend fishing a success.
Half the fun to me is a nudge in the right direction but the hunt for the spot is what gives me that tingley feeling. Good Luck.

[This message has been edited by Red eye (edited 05-22-2003).]

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Uncle Dave -

Welcome to the most secretive board on the internet. I am kidding of course.

Here is my advice for fishing on the north end. Look for depths of 14-18 ft during the day and shallower and rocks in the evening. My secret spot ( wink.gif ) is between Garrsion Creek Marina and Myr Mar. I work the near shore and deeper. If I find no fish I go move to a new area like Garrison Reef or East towards the sand. Rigging with leeches and long leaders is key and you must trust your electronics. I like Labby look for boats, and then fish away from them!! grin.gif I dont want compnay other than my boat partner! This lake is big enough to hald many spots, even ones that wouldn't be considered a "hot spot" this time of the year! Good luck!!

See not everyone is secretive. I cant promise fish but have had good luck the last few times I have been there. In my experience there is no better advice than picking up a map (i.e. Whiffer) and talking to the local bait shop about where the fish are!

One, two, three, four, five, SWEEEP!!!!

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A true Fisherman will take the suggestions and advise of other fisherman and then GO OUT and Fish. If you mark fish and they are not biting, change tactics. If you do not mark fish try another spot and so on and so on.....

There is no guarantees when fishing, unless you know something I don't.

So take the advise that these gracious fellow fisherman are offering and GO Fishing. That is why they call it fishing and not catching.

Good Luck!

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After this weekend I'll post my report. I haven't been up there since Jan. (Nice eye on the mud)

Going for smallies and eyes. I can't wait.

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I guess I don't know what you want. It seems like there has been a lot of good info posted to me. I would take BBL Resident's info and just go out and fish. It seems like lots of people want the exact GPS coordinates of where you actually caught fish or better yet, of where you caught slot fish.

I've caught fish on the sand this year, on the rocks, on deep gravel, in four feet of water and in thirty feet of water. I've caught them this year on cranks, lindy rigs, and bobbers. This has been done in four trips only so it's not like I have my finger on the pulse of the lake or anything.

The most productive area for me, as is typical for the lake this time of year has been the sand. That is no secret in the least. That being said, there are several 30 yard stretches where 90% of my fish have been caught this year and those will remain...my secret.

When I fish the sand a ten foot four pound test leader, a 1/4 ounce slip sinker, red hook and red bead and a big black leech has produced the best for me. This is again no secret. Of course I use four pound test and I would venture most other people don't, but it works for me so I do it.

I am by no means an expert on fishing Mille Lacs nor for walleyes. All I do is check the wind direction when I go up and fish the side of the lake that I feel I can handle in my boat. Just look at a map, there are thousands of spots to fish as you alluded to. Just pick one that looks like it would hold fish this time of year and go fish it. That is what I do. If you don't get anything, try a different type of structure or depth until you find fish. If you mark fish, stay on them for a while and try to get them to bite. This is one thing that I see a lot of people doing incorrectly (in my opinion) - they just keep going on their drift or trolling pass after they have gone over fish. When I mark fish I turn around and go over them again and again.

One thing that is frustrating to me about this site is that everyone wants to know where to catch fish on this lake and that lake. To me if you look at a lake map and take into account the time of year, the answer is pretty obvious or at least you have a good place to start your search.

In Garrison you are close to Garrison Reef, the sand, the mud, Pike's Point and many, many other rock piles, humps, and breaks. My advice would be to look at a map and start somewhere, fish for an hour, and move to a different depth or different structure if you catch no fish and to move sooner if you aren't marking any. Or you could always do the old Mille Lacs standby. Find a bunch of boats, see who catches a fish then go right next to them and drop your anchor and fish.

That is all I can offer. Be on the lake at 6 am and be sure to fish the evening bite as well. Good luck.

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Thanks for all of the advise. I was trying to get an honest answer and think I have. I don't want the exact spot, time, and depth but just general ideas of when and where. You have all helped with some great info. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the only thing left is to hopefully land some fish! Eaters or not I just hope to get some action.

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