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Fish Scream


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Did you know that when you catch a fish it screams?....A good friend of my wife told me this and she was serious! Therefore, We should not be causing these poor animals all this undue pain by fishing for and hooking a fish.

My wife does not hold these same views and they are still good friends. I have a little fun with the situation when our friend is over to visit....Like,"Well,I'm gonna go put out my cruel and inhumane minnow traps now...see ya" and "At least I can make a fish scream!"

Lets not forget that people in this country are free to believe what they want but Holy Cow! (Thats a whole nuther thing).

BTW....About being free to burn the Flag? I think if you want to "burn one"...I guess your free to do so but I would say be careful where you do it and who sees you. try this: Walk onto an aircraft with an upside down flag on your back.


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Geez....Maybe you should get her out to MilleLacs when the indians are spearing all those walleyes...if they 'scream' when they're hooked what do they do when they're "impaled" while spawning??? Maybe they holler...."OOOoooo that hurts so good"!
LMAO @ people like that!!!! smile.gif

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I havent had a fish scream before but I had one give me the fin..lol Those crazy animal rights people. You know Peta is telling kids to drink beer instead of milk. How crazy is that.

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I was Fishing and had the vikings game on and after the 5th turnover i heard a school of walleyes start screaming!!

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I think they sit under the boat (so you can see them on the locater) and scream with laughter because we can't catch them.


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It could also be the other way around....A person screams when caught by a fish. jaws.gif


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bullheads try to gore you when you catch them

[This message has been edited by perchpro (edited 09-23-2002).]

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Im glad they dont scream.
I dont think I could take it.

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I know this seems off the subject, but it does relate to fishing; I am not a fan of PETA, but just to clear up some misinformation, PETA ran an ad campaign directed at COLLEGE kid's promoting beer as a healthier beverage than milk. The thing is, consumed in the same quantities as one would drink milk, it is a healthier choice. Milk is laden with saturated fat, hormones, Dead white blood cells (pus), pesticide residue, dioxin, antibiotic residue, and it's main protein, casein is nearly undigestible (casein is also used to make glue), milk has been linked to a number of health problems including, alergies, asthma, cancer, and heart disease. While beer is usually produced with pure water, has no saturated fat or any of the other nasties that milk has, and it tastes better! Milk (and big dairy corporations) is subsidized by the federal government, to the tune of an absurd amount of OUR money. The US produces such an excess of milk (thanks to low subsidized prices - that make corporations rich and drive farmers out of business) that if you read labels, shows up in nearly every processed food product.

I feel that the production of milk is in direct conflict with my interests as a conservation oriented fisherman and outdoor enthusiast. The production of milk requires vast tracts of land to produce cereal grains to feed the cows. Those fields are treated with fertilizer and pesticides, which can runoff with rainwater, polluting our lakes and streams, also barnyard runoff can contribute to water pollution as well. If you have every witnessed a large herd of cows watering in a trout stream, you know the impact of these beasts on the environment in general. Cows have displaced all types of wildlife with their excessive lifestyle, and will continue to do so as long as the corporations are pumping milk into consumers and double dipping into their pocketbooks...

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don't forget that besides the 'water' in beer...the other ingredients are grains...requiring vast tracts of land, pesticides etc....

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I simply must have milk! Besides, after a big chunk of beef, potatoes and gravy, veggies, and a couple big glasses of milk....You can drink alot more beer!

I remember going with my grandpa into town with 4 or 5 cans of milk to the creamery. I always thought we were just trading it for some ice cream.


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yeah.. BUT Milk can't: A. Get you Thrown in Jail if you attempt to drive after drinking it... (or even worse the possiblity of vehicular manslaughter *shudder*) B. Make you lose your focus and perhaps go into a rage (depending on what kind of Drunk you are..) and thus also land you in jail.. and C. You can't get a hangover from drinking milk either. Plus beer has no Calcium or vitamins either... hmmn.. and being drunk won't help college students study for exams either.. lets see.. is it.. 8 glasses a day they say to drink? Unless your 7' tall and weigh somewheres around 350 lbs you'd be constatnly drunk at some point at any given day.

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Here's a theory: Cattle can actually help to IMPROVE stream quality.
Now I'm sure this is another example of all things in moderation but there was actually an article in the MN Conservation Volunteer (i think) a year or more ago about the impact of grazing cattle on lands bordering trout streams. The basic message was that SOME impact by cattle can actually help reduce erosion by compacting the stream banks and promoting natural vegetation growth.
Hmmmm? Milk, cheese, ice cream - it's all good. Lots of stuff we eat has been 'proven' to be bad for us. As for me I enjoy dairy products as well as beer! All things in moderation. Besides, the stuff just tastes good - and I prefer to die happy!

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"don't forget that besides the 'water' in beer...the other ingredients are grains...requiring vast tracts of land, pesticides etc...."

While it is true that beer is made from grains and that grains are fed to cows who produce milk. What is important to remember is the quantities we are talking about. Seventy percent of all U.S. grain, and one third of the world's total grain harvest -- is fed to cattle and other livestock. In comparison, the worlds production of all alcohol (remember alcohol is also produced for fuel and other purposes) uses ten times less cropland. And if you only compare US land used for milk production vs. US land used for beer production, the amount used to produce beer would be nearly insignificant.

It is the raising of animals and crops to feed the animals that is a direct threat to fish and other wildlife habitat. Organic waste from cattle and other livestock, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and agricultural salts and sediments are the primary non-point source of water pollution in the U.S.

To suggest that beer production is as environmentally destructive as milk production is just incredibly naive and a very weak arguement indeed.

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To suggest that beer is a healthier habit than milk is incredibly naive and a very weak argument indeed!!! In fact, I think it's pure nonsense......besides, despite what they say, it don't taste worth a darn on Frosted Flakes!!! grin.gif

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LOL Is this great or what! The topic of screaming fish has become a debate about milk vs Beer! Yes i would prefer milk over beer on my frosted flakes... But when i am enjoying a large broadway pizza I would rather wash it down with a frosty beer rather than a tall glass of calcium just my opinion!!

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My main point: Agricultural runoff (a good majority (>70%) is the result of current animal production) is the primary non-point source of water pollution in the U.S.

Meaning with each glass of milk or slice of pizza(or any other dairy product) you are supporting the degradation of fish and wildlife habitat.

While it may or may not be true about livestock and streambanks, there are many other aspects of animal production that contribute to water pollution. Any reduction in stream bank erosion is likely outweighed by the pollution contributed by those same livestock. The article only mentions streambank erosion if I recall, and ignores nearly all of the other impacts of livestock on water quality.

SATCHMO, I would also like to hear and debate any supporting evidence you might have to suggest that in 2-3 servings of dairy per day (recommended by the USDA) is any healthier than 2-3 servings of beer per day. Particularly how it relates to fish and wildlife habitat, I am willing to take on the human health and nutrition aspects as well.

[This message has been edited by coldone (edited 09-24-2002).]

[This message has been edited by coldone (edited 09-25-2002).]

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I know this subject may be considered amusing and funny to most but to me, it is one that I am extremely offended by and hits very close to home. Coldone, where the h*** do you come off with these absurd and idiotic comments. I realize this post will most likely lead to this thread being closed but my gosh coldone, get your facts straight before turning on your computer next time. Okay I will cut to the chase, I have spent almost every day of my 20 years of life on my family's DAIRY FARM, working my butt off to put dairy products on the shelves for you all to enjoy, while not getting much in return. MILK has put clothes on my back, food in my stomach, and a fishing rod in my hand, so don't you dare even say that milk is depleting our fisheries. My gosh, I am in college majoring in Fisheries Management, and I come from a Dairy Farm, and your absurd comments are the first of its kind I have ever heard linking the two together. Oh wait, maybe that is next chapter when we disuss those horrible bovines threatening to put an end to our wonderful fisheries here in Minnesota. Now to another bone I have to pick. If all these horrible "cancer" causing ingredients really are in this milk that I am producing, then the USDA better jump on their horse and get some labels on these cartons of milk, "Warning:this product may cause cancer" Get real coldone. Or these pesticides in milk, well I can obviously see you have never witnessed the process that takes place ever milking. And if you have you sure as h*** weren't paying a bit of attention. Every single teat on every single cow during every single milking is individually washed with a non-toxic, non-cancer causing, non harmful soap. Therefore removing any "pesticide" residue and whatever else you think may be in this cancerous milk. And if that is not enough for you every drop of milk that gets to the shelves is intensively filtered before it ever gets off the farm. It just ticks me off when you basically stated that all dairy farmers take little care in how they collect their milk. And if not that is sure what you are making it look like. So as for you coldone, I sure hope that you never drink a drop of milk, consume any cheese, yogurt, butter, steak, hamburger and list goes on and on, cuase hey, we don't want you getting cancer. For the rest of you, you go ahead and sit down with that nice slice of pizza a glass of milk and enjoy, and think of us dairy farmers that put endless hours into ensuring that the best possible product reaches your home. Good fishin, LaVoi

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Coldone, I believe your knowledge of cattle and cattle management is from PETA articles, which are very untruthfully.
I would like to invite you to study also the Beef Council, any US state Livestock association, any state Dairy Association.

I raised beef cattle for many years and heard many complaint from people that watches Discovery channel too much, I can tell you the truth is far from everybody reads. I even saw an article from PETA supporters obtaining a grant of $ 400,000 to study cow burps....that's good money investiment, then they claimed it has an impact on ozone layer....

Dairy cattle (needed for milk production) rarely drink from streams, since they are enclosed to a confined area because they need to be milked twice per day.

I think we should have a big PETA meeting in Iraq, let's say.....in a month or 2... grin.gif ... right when we strike.

If you haven't heard, many "flag burners" belong to this group, read the thread "Tips for civilians from the military"

LaVoi, you are doing fine, don't let these people get to you..


[This message has been edited by Valv (edited 09-24-2002).]

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I like milk and I like beer. I like meat (red or white) and I like fish. Now if you listen to the experts you're going to starve to death. So lets Drink milk and beer, Eat meat and cheese and go fishing and die from Mercury. Live Long and have some fun guys. I am. grin.gif

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