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Whitefish Muskie?

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I have the chance to go up to a cabin on the Whitefish chain(Little Pine Lake) this summer, and I was just wondering if there is any muskie fishing up there? If so, what lakes on the chain should I look to? Any info will help. Thanks. ~TJ~

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I could be wrong, but I don't think there is a single muskie swimming around in the Whitefish chain. The closest muskie fishing around there would probably be a little farther north to like Woman Lake or Wabedo, or south to Shamineau or Alexander.

Adam Johnson

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Nope...no muskies frown.gif
Don't forget the Mississippi river south of Brainerd as well. Mille Lacs has some monsters too.

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Many lakes in Minnesota once held populations of Muskie, in fact, most waters that are connected in some way to the Mississippi had them in there at one time or the other. Unfortunetly, through overharvest, etc, many of these waters no longer hold ski. I do not question the fact that your anscstor caught a muskie in Whitefish, but as of today, I highly doubt that any still exist.

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GullGuide, You might be right.It was a long time ago.Those before mentioned pictures paint a story of a wasteful era.While neat to look at,I'm glad we no longer punish the resources like that anymore.I'd like to think there is still a survivor or two of the skies
still up there.It is a big lake and all.
There was one time, when I was not much bigger than the life jacket I had on,when a huge fish kept surfacing near our boat.I do mean huge,nearly as long as the little twelve footer we were in at the time.It would dive when we would row closer to it,then reappear nearby.My gramps said it was a sturgeon probably,and that it was no harm to us.Several people saw it that year,including the postman who used to deliver the mail to the mailbox on the end of the dock.Then it just disappeared.Maybe it died or something,or swam to parts unknown??

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Good stories Tumbleweed. I've also fished Whitefish all my life, though not as far back as yourself (wish I could've been there to experience the lake back then). For the first few years I fished the lake, we never even left Ruttger's (Whitefish) Bay for want of more walleyes. Sure has changed in even the 20 plus years I've known the lake . . .

I actually recall hearing of muskies from Whitefish on two separate occasions. One was a mere persistent rumor that was said to be circulating around the early 1970s. It involved a huge fish that had been spotted on many occasions, rolling in Pig Bay (Lake) and supposedly even hooked a time or two.

The other was an actual photo I remember seeing in the now defunct Mermaid Bait shop in Crosslake going back nearly 20 years. Photo was simply marked 'Musky, Whitefish' (maybe the old baitshop switcheroo trick - Ossie was just catching on as a sleeper muskie lake then). Wasn't a huge fish, but probably over 30-pounds. For a number of years during the early 80s, there was also a fair bit of talk surrounding "the muskie of a lifetime" in Whitefish. But I've never heard a peep about muskies in the chain since. Sure like to think there's a few out there. Though today, I'd have to see one to believe it. That's the kind of mystery that can fuel a fella's fire during a long winter, eh?

-a friend called Toad

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I haven't been up there since the early 80's.It sure has been developed.As a boy with a 5 1/2 hp on a 12 foot Alumcraft,it was pure heaven to spend entire summers just fishing and exploring Whitefish and those others in the chain.Talk about adventure!! My gramps had shown me the basics and some handed down hot spots,I learned a lot on my own,and got plain lucky other times.I thank the lord for all those experiences. I remember the maid bait place there in crosslake.How bout the drive in church service,where you sat in your car at the drive-in!! If I didn't get out early enough on Sunday,Grams would drag
me out to town for church.Ahh, to turn back the clock!!!!!!

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Well guys, You are almost right.While there may not be a fishable population of skies on Whitefish,they do exist there!!I grew up there as a kid.Our family had a cabin there for over a hundred years.I remember growing up and looking at all the family fishing pictures.One of them has my great,great,great
grandfather smiling while holding up a dandy
MUSKY!!!It was caught in the creek,that used to connect the back bay of Big Trout,to Lower Whitefish.The name of the creek was Indian Paradise.The weight listed for the fish was 47 pounds!!The creek is not connected to Whitefish now.I'm not sure when it eventually
was cut off.But I often heard stories of my relatives stocking up on fish,backed up by pictures of clothes lines full of strung up catches.An aunt in Canada has most of the old fishing pictures now.But I have the one of the ole swede, grinning from ear to ear,with a huge musky held out in front of him for all to see...

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • leech~~
      Nice!   It would be great if they had some kind of brake, so you don't end up on your neighbors YouTube video going down the driveway! 😆
    • SkunkedAgain
      Last month I went searching online for a trailer jack with pneumatic tires. Instead I found the video below showing a relatively quick and easy upgrade to your existing jack:     It's worked pretty well. I definitely had to mess around with finding the right combination of spacers, washers, and locknut pressure that wouldn't bind up the wheels. However, it is a pretty sweet setup and allows me much better control. We live at the end of a half-alley. My garage faces the end so when I need to hook my boat up to the truck, I have to pull it out into my driveway and then swivel it 180 degrees to face towards the street. The handle is what really makes the difference and now the trailer jack wheels don't slide on the asphalt. Has anyone else done this conversion?
    • SkunkedAgain
      I've got a pile of crawlers ready to go - a nice side benefit of all the rain in the metro lately.   At the very least, I hope that the remaining trappers are making some better money off of the higher prices. I would think that it would be a great way for local kids to make some cash. I can see why it wouldn't make for a great way to make a living as an adult.
    • Kettle
      Went out yesterday with the sunshine. I did find crappies in the shallows on a darker stained lake with Temps at 58 degrees. They had no interest in my baits
    • gimruis
      That's part of it.  Several recent years of drought have definitely played a role.   There's other factors too.  MN does not allow importation of live bait from other states either.  That really affects the amount of golden shiners available, most of which are not trapped here.  In other words, demand exceeds supply.   Lots of bait trappers and dealers have simply hung it up in recent years.  Its hard work for not much money.  The two nearest me are both done as of last October.  They both told me its just not worth it anymore.  One of them had been there for 45 years.   My advice would be to learn how to effectively fish with artificial lures more often.  I've slowly weened myself off the use of live bait nowadays.
    • smurfy
    • leech~~
      Think the Free crawlers in the back yard are going to take a hit this summer! 🤭
    • jim curlee
      Correction, rainbow minnows are at least 75 cents each, and leeches are $60 per pound. lol 
    • leech~~
      Their coming! Was poking around southern center mn last Friday and found about 20 on a hill side, all to small to pick yet.  Spots on the GPS! 🤗
    • Kettle
      Water Temps 48-52. I tried for crappies and caught two walleye. I can't even crappie fish. 1/32 ounce jig and a tiny minnow
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