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Hi Everyone, Just wondering how the Red River Looks? I'm sure it's high, but how high? Is it too high to get my boat in this coming weekend? I live in Thief River Falls, so it's tough to check it out myself.

Thanks for any replies...Good Luck Fishing.


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The Red will rise quickly in the Central ands lower section in the next few days. Boo-Koo water on the way in from the South on many of the tribs. The Wild Rice is flooding now, and there is lots more where that came from yet.

If you rig for faster flows you should be ok.

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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It's pretty high. It might be tough this coming weekend. I'm guessing things will be messed up pretty good for a bit after all this rain.


RodsbyEngel: custom made fishing rods

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Hey Ed,

Thanks much for sending all that water this way.......it will only help to keep those kitties on the prowl!
The river was just about back to normal when the monsoon hit, now she's jumped five feet and still rising. This only means that we've now have access in the floodway and you guest it......they're in there "hello corks"!
Heading over to the 'Peg early next week for
sturgeon, there're really going well. Probably have room if you guys want to tag along!

Fish Hard!

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Hey there Stu, I am curious iffin the regs up that way have a closed season at all during the Sturgeon spawning timeframe or if the season runs thru the entire late spring and early summer?


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The regs. do NOT allow for you to keep any sturgeon at any time in Manitoba, but U can still fish for them from the opener on throughout the season.

This high water seems to turn the sturgeon on as well.

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Any advice on fishing the high water? Coming this weekend just in time for the high water.

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The river in my book is on unfishable right now. Its above flood stage and the current is dangerous. I would give it a good week until the level hits somewhere in the 20 to 21 foot mark. I beleive thats what you need to get into the North boat ramp unless the city hasn't cleaned it off yet. We try to get it cleaned as soon as the river is ready. I'll let you know when its clean and the level is ready to fish.

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Thanks for all the input guys. If anyone happens to be by the north ramp before the weekend, can you let me know what it looks like? A buddy of mine fished there the weekend before last when the water was high. He had all four truck tires in the water before the 18 foot boat finally dropped off deep enough. They cought LOTS & LOTS of big cats below the dam in the fast water.
as long as the dry part of the road is'nt too mudy, we'll be fishin'.

P.S. Anobody have any advice on finding
goldeye in this high water?

Talk at ya later...


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If you're going cattin in high water, you can pretty much fish the same as usual with pretty good luck. I guess the biggest thing is to try everything! I would recomend trying the usual areas. If those spots are not paying off hit the flooded trees and slack backwaters. Sometimes the fish move to different areas in high water, and sometimes they stay put. So thats the reason for trying in the river as well as flooded areas.
Iv'e also come to find that if the water is high, very shallow water will often hold some large cats as well as lots of small cats. So again, move around and you'll catch catfish. it's that simple. Good Luck!


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At Lockport we are finding the shorelines are really producing. About 10 ft from shore in 5 to 9 ft of water. 19 last nite in 3 hrs and 31 today in 6 hrs.

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I am all up for the sturgeon. Now if I can get away, that is the big question.

I know of one guy who is foaming at the mouth to go after them sturgeon, drop Big Bud Shanon an e-mail...stir him up once. That woun't take much to do as eager as he is to hit the Peg with you Stu.

I may not be able to get back up tell ...Oh..Maybe...July the way it looks now. Hard to say..maybe sooner if things work out?

All this water will sure keep that bite roling up on your end..man-Oh-Man..I wish I was there right now!

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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