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Stopped at the locks at Lockport this morning and noticed that they are already starting to put the curtains back in the locks. There were three completly in and working another. Only 15 days left to wait. The Red looks in great shape for the opener. There are lots of Pelicans and cormants around meaning lots of bait fish and that can only mean LOTS of kitties.

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Hey buddy. that is music to my ears..

By chance I dont suppose that Stu has any openings left??? I was only gonna stay for the day but now plans might allow me to stay a few.. If he is full, any place close that I can call???

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Rusty: I really don't know if Stu is full or not. Try his home at 785-9430 or at Lockport at 757-9876. If Stu is busy there is always Selkirk the Darewood Motel. If U end up staying at the Darewood sugguest U leave you boat etc at Stu's or if he is full I live just 3 miles east of Lockport. In the past things have grown legs from the parking lot in Selkirk.

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Ya I have heard that.. If I can not get in at Stu's, when I get up there I will look you up.. Im betting you will be fishing and maybe I can leave it at your place or at Stu's...

counting the days.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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No problem. I have some clients on the opener but hope to get out a couple of hrs early by myself.

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Eh Wiskers if Stu is full, we have rooms booked for the opener weekend. We should have 2 free bunks, as far as I know?

So if you get in a bind I will ask my partner if it is cool if we share the room. I think he will be cool with that? Cheaper for us all that way...Eh. wink.gif

Drop me an E-mail on what you find out after talking with Stu. Then I'll bounce it off of "Big Shanon" and see if he is cool with that plan.

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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Hey Ed that would be awesome.. I will let you know.. My guess is he is full but will call any how.

I might be up there by myself this time unless something comes up..

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Eddy is that Shannon or or Sharon?????

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That be Big Shanon (AKA) "Ahhhhhh.....Cork'n Sucks Bredeson"....there Canuck....Eh


Wiskers Shanon said it is cool with him, so ya gots a room. You can drop him an e-mail if you wish to sort it out on the timing. I look forwerd to seeing you there.
[email protected]

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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Timdogg: There is Selkirk Park. It has electrical hookups and there is a boat launch right at the park. BUT if U use the launch there do NOT use the north ramp as U might wreck your trailer as it drops off there. I don't know the phone number for the park but and check if U want. Selkirk is about 5 minutes north of Lockport.

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You guys are making me jealous! EH? Maybe later this year I can make the trip...All I need is one Channel over 20# (or was it 25#) to get my Catfishiing Merit Badge from Jim Moyer!

I asked this awhile back and never got a clear answer but can fish get past the dam and move south or not?

WET NETS! smile.gif


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Are all you boys heading up there on opener(may 15th?), cause I was wanting to do that to. Is there any place to camp in that area? I have never been up that way, so any info. about how it all works would be great. Thanks.

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Dark30: Yes they do move south of the locks and we have fished right in the City of Winnipeg. There are lots of kitties infact last June I had some guys from Grand Forks media that knew how to fish and they caught & release 18 kitties in about 2 1/2 hrs of fishing. I don't believe any of them were over 20 lbs. There are lots but they tend to be on the smaller size, in the 10 to 15lb range. If U want to get your 20 lber for sure come the 1st or 2nd wk of Sept and you will catch nothing below the 20 lb range and in an 8 hr period U should get say 20 25 fish with a few in the low 30s, REALLY.

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Sure Canuck, that would be great to get that number from ya. Thanks.

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Timdogg: There was nobody around the park office in Selkirk today so I will have to check on Monday and I will let U know the phone number.

Have U considered speaking with Stu at Cats on the Red to see if U can camp at the south end of the cabins? I don't know what you have for camping but it wouldn't hurt. Give him a call (204)757-9876. I know he will be at the office tomorrow (Sunday) because we are puttin on a much larger deck on the office.

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I may just have to do that Sept thing....Is the place real busy then? Should I make some sort of reservations?...Never been to Canada!


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Let me know what works for you in Sept.. I might make another trip up there then too.. I got another trip planned June 12th weekend also.. what is another trip... lol... Just can't get enough...

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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I would look at the 2nd week of Sept and you should make reservations but at this time of the year you shouldn't have any problems.

Some guys try and push it later to hopefully get into the greenbacks but if U just want a 30lber 2nd wk of Sept is your best bet.

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Works for me..Lets do it! The place to stay is Stu's right?


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Stu's is the place.... You just can't beat the location.. Heck if you wake up at night you can just grab your rod and head down to the river and hook a night time monster.. He has good Eats, nice little cabins, docking right by the cabins.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Timdogg: Well I called the Selkirk Campground (204) 785-4958 today as I drove down and there was nobody there STILL. The lady that answered the phone said that the Campground lady didn't start until later this week. She did say the campground was open for the 15th. I asked if a person could get a spot on the 14th but she could not answer that. Doesn't sound like they have changed that much.

Give Stu a call. Hope this helps.

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So how much snow did you get up there?????????????

What do you think all that cold water hitting the river will do??? Talk about bad timing.. You will be getting our water soon.. the rivers here are going up nice.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Well Rusty, If I were you I would dig out that ice auger and some tipups to go after those there monster Cats. God like you said what timing. Good luck if you go.

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Measured 9" in the back yard where there was NO wind. The snow we got was really full of moisture. We are suppose to get +13C on Friday and it is around +2 the last 2 days. I would imagine there will be some snow around on Sat but as far as I am concerned this excess moisture can ONLY be a good thing for the kitties.

Real glad yesterday wasn't Sat. I don't know about UALL but I am pumped and can hardly wait until Sat.

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More water......that means more sumo's.

We should see upper 60's to the low 70's by this weekend, so that will be doable.

That big Ol Sumo Piggy feeding machine chould be a crank'n by Saterday.

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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The latest forcast is 13C on Sat with the chance of scatter rain later in the day and Sunday 14 C with SUN.

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Ok who can do the math.. LOL LOL . .. Canuk and his 14C.. lol All I want to know is that a good 14C or a bad 14C lol lol... them low numbers makes me want to bring my Canadian packs and coveralls.. LOL...

I can hardly sleep...

Eddy.. I can't believe I have had 4 people cancle out on this trip so far.. I found out one had warrants.. oops, Ones wife put her foot down and is making him go to a wedding..??? and one is going to stay and fish Maple Lake LOL.. LOL... .... LOL... Ect.. wow.. I still have one that will get back to me tomarrow if he can find his birth certificate by Friday.. good grief some people just dont know what they are missing..

I just met a bunch of fellas in Cabelas that are heading up there too this weekend.. Should be a full house on the river.. Hope Stu is ready to start making them awesome bergers again..

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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+14 C is GOOD in the mid 60s. You will be kept warm cranking in those kitties.

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Rusty, Did they change the rule about crossing into and back from Canada. Last time up all I needed was a vaild drivers lic. But for Kolby a miner I needed a birth ceft. and a letter from my wife saying she knew that I was taken him fishing, where we were going and when we might return. That makes since. But do adults with a drivers license need that also.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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