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Weekend walleye report

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Woody and I hit the Red on Saturday. Loaded with minnows, sinkers and a six pack we were ready to catch some river 'eyes.

We heard a good report about Georgetown where the red and buffalo come together. When we finally found the spot we noticed it was private property and decided not to drive through this guy's yard. When we left, we saw a guy drive through -- doesn't the guy care anymore???

We hit the bridge north of Georgetown. We set up our chairs and Y-sticks and had a relaxing day. Not much for action, however.

Woody caught the two fish a golden eye or skip jack or whatever that silver thing that looks like a whitefish and a tiny 4" cat.

Had some other bites and lost some bait and tackle.

My biggest question, how can you catch a walleye and bring him in when you get snagged, at least a little bit, every time. How can the fish stay on?

That is the report -- very slow new Georgetown --

Anybody else get an Eye?

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I have heard that the guy up by Georgetown only lets people that he knows in there. Were you trying to get down there near the Red river bridge near Georgetown? I know that guy is very, very picky on who he lets in there now. Last year he used to let anyone and their brother down there until one group was partying and didn't put out there fire and it almost took out some of his buildings. The guy's brother or cousin lives on the other side of the Buffalo where it goes into the Red, but his pasture goes right up to the river so I am unsure about what his thoughts are on people going through his pasture.

[This message has been edited by huntnfish (edited 04-20-2004).]

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By the way it looks the Walleye have spawned on the Central Red. Likely they spawned last weekend by the looks of the larger fish? It was darn slow all weekend, a good indication something was up.

They may be spawning in waves, hard to say just yet. Last night all the femails/males we caught were caved in and empty. So it may be a a done deal for this season. We can look for a better bite soon as they feed back up, once they recover a bit.

The lower Red would be next to hit the spawn, likely very soon if not already under way.

Cats are starting to roam, that is cool with me too.

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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What's the water temp to the south? I fish Drayton, and I don't think it's warm enough for spawning up here yet, but it should be getting real close.

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Jon, have you been out that way recently? Hows it looking? Last time I was out there it was still way high and unfishable.


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Haven't been able to get a line in over there yet this year, and I'm thinking the next few days will be it before the spawn. I'm taking the boat for a spin on Bronson tonight, golfing tomorrow, and leaving for the Zippel Bay tourney Friday. I'll probably try it next Tuesday, but I won't be expecting much. The cats should be waking up soon though, so maybe they'll keep me busy. Last spring I caught a 29" eye, and an 18lb cat 20 minutes apart. I can't believe more people don't take advantage of the Red from Drayton to the border, more for us I guess.

Are you going after northerns this weekend too?

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More for us is okay with me! Miles and miles of river and hardly any anglers, gotta love it eh! I'm heading for my lake cabin near Wheelers tonite or tomorrow. Sturgeon fishing tomorrow and Friday and then doing the tourney over the weekend, should be fun.

Do you ever do any Catfishing on the Roseau river?

Good luck at the Tournament.


[This message has been edited by fiskyknut (edited 04-21-2004).]

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I've only fished the Roseau one time, north of Badger. Had decent luck 3 walleyes, and a few snakes. I wasn't aware there were cats in there. Where do you find them at? I'ld be game to chase them with ya some time this summer. How can I recognize you on Saturday so we can b.s. a bit?

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Hey Jon, sorry for the late reply, forgot we were conversating here! Well I found out last nite that my partner has backed out on me for the tourney....I kind of had a feeling this would happen. So as of now I'm back in Salol scrambling to round up another partner. Oh well iffin I do make it I wear green guidewear and have scraggly gray/brown hair! If I don't do the tourney I'll show up for the weigh in on Sunday and I'll wear my 'springsteel resort fishing team' hat.

Yepper there can be some pretty decent Catfishing to be had on that little river. It's a trib to the Red so you do see some large prespawn fish now and then too. End of may and thru June into early July is probably the best timeframe. I know some good spots for Cats around the Ross area and spend a good bit of time chasing them during that time period. Also know of some good spots out west near Caribou as well. Nice to just kickback on the bank and wait to see what a guy will have bite next. Thats whats so nice about the Red and her tribs.....Never know what you'll get next and the fishing is downright easy. Walleye fishing can be darn good in some spots too, as you found.

Anyways good luck to you this weekend at the tourney. Hope to see you there.

Also I saw your post regarding spinners and I could hook you up as well if you'd like.

Best regards....Fisky

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