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To all interested,
It is believed that Dru Sjodin's body was found around the Crookston area some time today. Law enforcement is currently gathering more information and a press conference will be at 3:00 p.m.

God bless Rusty (Whiskers Guide Service), all other law enforcement involved and all of the volunteers helping.

Looking at it one way, it's a crying shame that we have creeps that will do this type of thing. Another way to look at it, maybe now her family and friends can put some sort of closure to this.


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thank you so much wiskers.mj for allyour work. i am so sorry, for all of us. hope is the magic ingredient. i don't know what tosay. i'm glad i found a posdt, so i didn;t have to make one. bless everyone!!!!sorry for the blubbering.

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It was dru that was found.. the coverage is on fox news.

I just want to thank, and honor ALL those people that NEVER gave up hope and continued to search even when this got glim.

Now that dru is found, im sure her family and friends will now be able to rest knowing dru is now in a better place.

god bless to everyone, and my prayers are with family and friends...

Again, just want to honor all that never gave up.

I also ask the moderator to post this thread to all forums in FM...

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Dru's family and friends. This is a very sad day but I hope it brings closure for everyone.

Its time to let our criminal justice system do its work and I hope justice comes quickly for Mr. Rodriguez.

Although my heart is heavy with the sadness of this situation...part of me is overwhelmed by how people responded.....its great living in this part of the country... where people come together and help each other in the darkest times.

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The problem is they will only lock this creep up and forget about him. They need a better solution. This kind of thing tears me up.

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i love everybody.

--do unto others...........----------------

[This message has been edited by little buddy (edited 04-18-2004).]

[This message has been edited by little buddy (edited 04-18-2004).]

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When I watched the coverage on this case last fall I was struck by the sudden sense of mortality that her sorority sisters showed. Suddenly they were no longer ten feet tall and bullet proof, like most 18-22 year olds with their lives ahead of them tend to be.

Then there was the rash of adbuction hoaxes in the region. Stores sold out of pepper spray and in my community self defense classes couldn't keep up with demand. The local student who babysits for me asked me to teach her to shoot because her uncle had bought her a gun!! She didn't want a gun so I told her to give it back and I bought her a personal alarm.

This sort of thing victimizes everyone. Right now I hope the media gives the family some space and I wonder where they will ever find a jury.

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Thank you all for your warmest thoughts..

I only did my part as best I could.. As well as did every one else that helped.. I spent more time on the water sice the ice let out than I think the last two summers put together..I think I almost wore out the gas tank on my boat.

I believe that all the prayers and thoughts of Dru helped us bring this to a close..

If there is anything good that came out of this it is the way the Legal system is now looking at Repete offenders and Hight level offenders when released.. Even violence crimes between men and women.. The courts are dealing with them to the upmost..

Believe it or not, the Media also is a big help.. With out them helping to keep the story alive, such cases as this can so easly be swept under the rug and forgotten.. Even with the big news over East, they still kept on top of this local tragity.

I spent much time with Dru'e Dad over the last few weeks.. That man is a saint.. I'm not so sure I could have conducted myself so coltrolled as he and his family have through all of this.... . My hats off them......

I'm not so sure I will ever be able to look at the river and this area the same ever agian with out saying a prayer and thinking of them..............

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Excuse my ignorance here- I was out of town over the weekend and didn't get my hands on a paper last night. Sounds like her body was found in the Red Lake River? Is that right?
This mess has stuck with me for quite a while now, like it has for a lot of people. God bless Rusty and everyone who stuck with the recovery efforts.

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Scoot, Her body was found in the big ditch at breeds West of Crookston on the river road, where we used to have kegs. I think you know where I mean. Anyway Its a sad story that can be put to rest. Prayers go out to family and friends. God Bless.

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My prayers go out to all the family and friends of Dru.

God Bless all who did so very much to help Dru come home.

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding
"ED on the RED"
[email protected]

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