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So has anyone heard iffin the lowhead at Drayton is going to get it's facelift soon?


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Didn't know they planned on doing that one. Haven't even heard anything until I seen this post. I'll check around and see if I can find out anything.

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I spoke to the folks at Riverkeepers here in Fargo and it sounds like Drayton isn't in the works for redoing. Apparently, there are forces at work that will fight it up there. Christine is next on the list. After that, I'm told plans haven't been laid out specifically beyond the fact that they'd like to have a clear waterway from South to North.


RodsbyEngel: custom made fishing rods

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Well if that is the case, what is the purpouse of the thousands of $$ being put into the other rock dams along the Red??? Their main objective is allow fish to migrate.. well... If they dont do all of them then..... it appears to be all in vain.???

Hummmmmmm something seems to be amiss here.. Hope it gets worked out.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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From what I gleaned from the conversation with River Keepers, they plan on doing all of them. It's just that they don't have a specific plan on any dams after the next one. Sounds like $$$ is the bottom line- they need somebody to pony up and the
state(s) are getting sick of being that somebody.


RodsbyEngel: custom made fishing rods

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Thanks there Scoot. I guess I can live with it the way it is for awhile longer, I've been fishing there along that strech for so long I got her figured out pretty good by now. I kind of don't want to see it changed. Some of the worlds easiest fishing can be had on the Red river there for sure!!!

Scoot you gonna hit the pond on opener?


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I don't know yet. I'll probably not fish on opener again this year. I get a lot of crap for not getting out that weekend, but it's amatuer weekend and I not mature and patient enough to wait/avoid/hide from all the once per year rookies. I guess I'm getting crochety in my old age. I should be up a week or two after that though.


RodsbyEngel: custom made fishing rods

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Scoot, your talking old let me tell you a little something. Now I can't remember what I was going to type. Guess It just slipped my mind. See what happens when you get old.

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