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At this time of year what is the best bait out there for walleye and cats. I was thinking frogs because there are alot around right now but what are some of your thoughts on bait.


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I haven't seen one frog yet. Where are you finding all the frogs. In the spring I like using fresh cut bait for cats and small minnows for the eyes tippped on a small jig in the slack water area near drop offs. I have also had luck using fresh suckers about 3" in length and you would cut off the tail fin. Works for me. But I'd still like to know where yoou can catch spring frogs this early.

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Frogs are here.. seen some already.. and very sluggish heading to shore.. If you can gets frogs. thats the ticket.. I got some froze up from last year.. Gonna head out and give them a go as soon as I can get a day free...

The search for Dru Continues.. Keep your eyes open when ever your by the rivers please...... I have put on over 50 miles on the Red Lake river already searching... Remember, prayers are welcome..

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River, Red Lake River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Frogs typically aren't the bait of choice this early. However, for cats you can sour them and they can produce well early. I've seen a lot of frogs over the past few days too- mostly on field edges coming out of their winter haunts I guess. They sure are moving slow- easy to catch!
I'm with ibwhnt on baits- minnows for walleye and cuts for cats this time of year. Things are going pretty good on the rivers right now- yeeeha, I love spring!!!
Kent, are we actually going to fish together this year?!? I'll get up to your neck of the woods one day this summer when we can get out. Or... you can come down here and we'll hit the river or a lake too- either one sounds good to me.


So I got dat goin’ for me… which is nice.

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ibwhnt- I took a walk yesterday(Mon) and frogs were all over the dike I was walking on. They were also on the edges of a crick sunning themselves. I could have easally caught 50 frogs yesterday. Well I might try a few frogs and something else since we can use 2 rods out there on the river.

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OK I'll take your words for it I just haven't been looking for frogs lately. If I had the time I would be out catching them now. If they are out and easy to catch load up on them NOW and freeze them by the dozen. That would be the ticket for late June and into July. I just hate fighting the tall grass and the bugs tryen to catch them later in the season.

Scoot, Time will tell if you make it up this SUMMER or not. Remember I'll be tryen to get my new business going this summer. Just don't have my license yet, I'll let you know when I get it.

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Hire some kids to go mudding... lol...plus it's fun to watch and they seem to have the edge for that speedy critter.. lol...

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[This message has been edited by spinach (edited 04-09-2004).]

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Geeez i wish you guy's would tell me where these frogs are at around moorhead. I could use them about now. I have been out a few weekends now alot of bites but nothing taking it. Have been using whiskers favorite (STEAK) but just cant't seem to nail em. P.S i have not been on this board that much this winter seen the recent post's where is Backwater?

[This message has been edited by scotty B (edited 04-12-2004).]

[This message has been edited by scotty B (edited 04-12-2004).]

[This message has been edited by scotty B (edited 04-12-2004).]

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Backwater is not longer associated with the site. Too bad losing him here, but I've talked to him recently and it sounds like he's doing well. I'm hoping to team up with him this spring, but he's tough to track down- busy dude! I've referred several people over to him and his guiding business- best around, bar none.

I haven't found any cats yet this spring. Too busy chasing walleyes so far. I'll switch over in a couple weeks and report in on cattin'.


RodsbyEngel custom made fishing rods

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FYI: Frogs may be taken in MN beginning May 16. I suspect the CO's are watching you even as I type this.

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