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A buddy and I went out in the rain today to do a little scouting we went by the country club in oxbow and found what I believe to be the oxbow dam. My question is can you fish from there or do you have to go to the other side we went all the way around town and found two low mat. roads one with a sheriffs sign and one that was just blocked do either of those go there? Would be a heck of a walk.
The river is open for quite a stretch by the dam the wild rice looked open and the Maple dam was very high (water was not falling over the dam the flow was level with top of dam)
So we did some scouting we also found a few areas north of town that had good drainage going into them ice looks to be on its last legs am guessing that another week of good weather and the temps should be going up.
Thanks for the help!

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You can fish there on the north dakota side. Park east of the dam sign and try not to walk on the guys property to the west. There is a big open lot you can walk on. Its pretty rough down by the dam though, maybe when the water levels come up it will be better. Im not sure about getting there from the minnesota side. Where is the maple dam? And can you get there? Wiskers gave out a great site on an earlier post http://terraserver.microsoft.com. This is aerial photos of the area, it may help you see if you can get there from the minnesota side. Good Luck, let me know how you do.

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Thanks for the reply I believe its the Maple River dam I could be wrong but you go north till you get to county road 20 go west across the bridge go through the stop signs you will cross a river next left is a small dirt road that ends at the dam
the road was in tough shape very soft last fall you could step over the river now the water below the dam is even with the top of the dam.
My buddy has a friend that says its hit or miss but when its on some bigguns have been taken out of there.
Again thanks for the help!

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Most who fish at Oxbow park in the golf course lot and walk down from there. I'm told the course doesn't mind that you do this.
Anyone doing anything yet on the river? I tried to fish a dam in town yesterday only to find the wind had pushed all of the ice back up against the shoreline I was on- nowhere to cast to!
I think this rain will help out with fishing conditions. Water's still low, but not as bad as it was. I'd guess it's dang near at the level it typically is BEFORE the spring flooding starts (almost, at least). Brighter things are ahead.


So I got dat goin’ for me… which is nice.

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Gentlemen, What kind of presentation are you using in these locations? Are you guy's lindy riggin'? maybee bouncing a jig across the bottom? How about bait? Shiners? I'm new to this type of fishing. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Mark

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Just a quick note to the Oxbow dam access question. Fish the Oxbow dam from the ND side. The MN side is not an option if you value your life so to speak. The road that has the crossing on and the one that says closed by order of the Sheriff respect those signs. I have heard first hand that the person who owns that property does not take very kindly to people tresspassing. I am not sure why or what happened but he dont like it. just my 2cents, I have not fished the dam yet this spring, but will be real soon.

Jay R

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Mark, two types of presentations typically dominate the spring bite- jig and minnow or cranks. Stick baits with a wide wobble are best for cranks. Early spring, like now, I'd tip a jig with a minnow (fathead, sucker, whatever- but make sure it's legal where you use it). In a few weeks when the water is warmer you can get by without bait and just use plastics. Some guys will use a slip rig in the spring, and you can definitely catch fish on them. But I don't like using set rigs in the spring because then I have to tend to that line and I can't move around much.
Good luck!


So I got dat goin’ for me… which is nice.

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