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Redlake and Red river reports.

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Well not much to tell as of late.. The Redlake Dam in Crookston still producing some good walleyes last week. I have not been on any water since last Thrusday. With driving beet truck and working I have not much time for fishing for about two weeks. Im already starting to show signs of withdrawl...

I may just have to make a few minuets. And by the way my New guiding boat is now for sale... :-( With any luck I will be getting into a River Pro by spring.

See you on the water soon I hope.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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You are driving truck too eh? Isn't it fun? I'm buring the candle at both ends lately. Between jail and beets, there's not a whole lot of time to, well, do anything but get some rest. I've got the next couple days off from jail, so should recharge my batteries again. You gonna take that boat up to LOW one last time before you get rid of it? ;-) What are you doing October 16-19?

"Throw'm back"

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I hear ya.. working 6-2 and driving 3-11 ouch.. wow..

Am winterizing it today just in case it keeps getting colder. Hopeing to get some more fishing in before freeze up. Small boat still in river her in town for some last minuet fishing..

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Hey, I am working on a Beet piler as a relief operator Wiskers. I an doing the night shift, 12-14 hours on the beet gang.

I have to deal with you dumb @ss truck drives all night long. Dumping on my ramps, running into stuff, forgetting to latch their tail gaits, stupid stuff like that.


Ya know, shoveling beets just ain't as fun at it looks Eh.

Getting konda cool, last night we came close to a freeze shut-down.......but nope.....made it tell 8:30 OK.

Yup, I think i would rather be driving truck again myself. Less work..... HA!!

Or fishing....definately fishing....Yup-Yup!

Catch ya later guys.


[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 10-01-2003).]

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Rusty 10AM-10PM at the jail, 11PM-4:30AM in the semi.

Backwater, that's down in Fargo/Moorhead, drivers up here know what the heck they are doing. Nobody dumps dirt, or bangs into anything around here. wink.gif It's fun though. Something about the cold air, smell of diesel fuel and beets...ahhhh, keeps me awake...

"Throw'm back"

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Yeppers ........ Fishing Fishing Fishing.. that's the answer.. Beets are fun for a day or two but then I'm back to dreaming about fishing. lol...

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Ahhh..yes...the dust, sweat, more dust, more sweat, hacking up dust, sweating while hacking up more dust, shoveling more beets off the gates, chipping/shoveling frozen mud (Oh Joy I Love that...MMMM-Boy)........yup......Too bad it's for only 2 weeks or so Eh.

OH.Ya..and them D/A truck drivers, I'll miss them too.


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heading to the dam tonight, wondering what patterns work well?

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What has been working for me best is either from the dam on the east side or in a boat. Cast out into the rappids let it drift down until it settles on the bottom and slowly drag it back in.. Snags are a real night mare so bring lots of jigs..

Or head over to the hospital side and use cat rigs and small sucker minnows or chubs and let it set.. The biggest Eyes have been gotten this way. Cast straight out from shore or use small rappelas. Med divers, its about 12 feet deep off that shore.

Good luck and let us know how you did. Wish I was heading out there.. but off to driving that beet truck once again..... sigh sigh.. Best hours are that last hour and a half before dark.

Happy fishing.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


[This message has been edited by Wiskers Guiding Service (edited 10-03-2003).]

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thanks alot whiskers, had something come up tonight, so am heading out tomorrow instead!! I will post results here, hopefully they will be good


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My e-mail is down and has been hit or miss for a while. I tried calling a couple nights ago and left a message.
My only night to do anything for the next week or so is tomorrow, Thursday night. I'm free from about 5:00 on if you're interested in getting out on some water. Give me a call or a reply.
Getting close with the beet harvest? Must be about 80% done or so?

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Wiskers Guiding Service, with the water as low as it is any lower and the RiverPro won't even go in. Might have to just use a pair of wadders. Sure would like to see Red Lake and the Red both go up about 5 feet. Good luck.

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I have seen them run in 3-4" with 4 beef eaters on board, so they do skinny darn well Eh.

Yet your right, many of the tribs are in sorry shape. The Red River proper has some very skinny sections that can be crossed easily with waders. Not so sure about a truck, but if Wiskers wants to try I'll take the photo's Eh. smile.gif In Some spots his truck would be a new fossil in the muck for future generations to find.

Yup, we need rain bad, any time now would be good too.

Before freeze up is a must to protect many of the tribs from a serious DO O/2 kill risk under the ice.

Ed Carlson

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Actually I am heading over to the Red today to do some fishing.. Tomarrow, thrusday I am heading to Devils Lake with another Guide.. Sure is getting nice out though.. hope them cats keep on eating.

I drove acorss the Red Lake river today. now that is a sight .... unreal.. Heck I can fish out of my truck better than a boat LOL...

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


[This message has been edited by Wiskers Guiding Service (edited 10-08-2003).]

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well I fished the Redlake in the dam all evening yesterday and only one walleye and small cat. I tooka caone down river the other day and in several spots I had to get out and pull the canoe ......... Now that it not right.. Several clam bars along the way where the water was rushing over it in only about 2-3" of water... Winter is going to be a nightmare.... I dont think any fish can navigate the river to even get to the dam, that is why the fishing has been so slow... sigh sigh.. Time for a rain dance.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Ahhhh Grasshopper..then the question is. If they can't get to the dam, where will they get to?


It is a different year for sure. The typical fall patterns are last years pattern and not applicable to this season on most area rivers.

Walleye adapt quickly, they fall back and re-group under stress and form another plan of attack. They soon key in on where the food is and go back to doing what they do best, hunting and eating.

Shallow water and low flows with cooling water is a formula for unusually clear water. They often respond to this by shifting into nocturnal mode for most of their hunting. Walleye excel at night predation and conditions like this make hunting easy for them. Find the highest concentrations of food and they will be near by. Just like Timber wolves flanking on a herd of caribou.

Ed Carlson

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Well I am thinking that they must be held up in the next deepest hole below the dam which would be by the bypass being they can not get over that wonderful rock dam the state put in there?

But after taking a canoe down river about 3 miles and running into water that even a caone would not float in, I am thinking that they can not migrate anywhere?? That would explain the lack of consistant fishing here. Would like to go farther but it would take me forever to canoe to even Fisher. About 12 hours +, to get that far.

They say that Cats can migrate several miles each day.. Guesses are that they went back to the Red?

Anyone else doing the rain dance?

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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I've been catching smallies at the dam in Crookston. Probably 50 the last 2 times i went out. Also a 27" eye and a smaller one and a sauger. Mostly on tube jigs with some coming on minnows. I was a little suprised that we got the big walleye above the dam as well as most of the bigger smallies.

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Wow that is pretty good... you said that you got them above the dam? Well that is a real good one then.. I have never had any luck at all above the dam... hummm...

Seemed to be a lot of snags up there before..?? how was it? You were casting in that deep water right above the dam or walking out on the dam on the west side?

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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I was with timdogg the last couple of times fishing at the dam. I was the one who caught the 27" incher so dont let him fool you. It was very unlikely for that fish to hit on that side of the dam since I too have never heard of anyone doing much on that side. I guess you could look at it as a bonus fish as we were fishing smallies. Most ranged from the 10-17 area.
Any recent reports, i know the water keeps getting lower as you can fish right on the dam.

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LOl I know exactly how you feel.. Credit needs to be delt accordingly.. lol.. good job..

Well I tell ya I have not fished the river in a quite a while now. One reason is fall yard work and the other is I have been busting my hinden working on getting the River Pro boats introduced up here and it worked.. We now have a dealer in East Grand Forks....I just got back from another test ride with the new boat.... holllllyyyy smoke they are awesome to say the least..

If all goes well and my boat sells on ebay by this weekend, I will be making a trip down to MO next week to pick up my new boat.

I will be giving free rides quite often until ice up... Maybe I can even get it up to the dam for some fishing.

I have to get out there very soon and hunt them Eyes.

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota River,for Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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