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A couple of days ago i was by the north dam fishing for cats or whatever else and we were using steak. I did not even get a bite. I was wondering if anyone has ever had luck using steak as bait. If so i would prefer to use that other than that slimey fall off the hook chicken liver.

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Man oh man Scotty, steak for bait! The way the cats come to the boat on the Red using cutbaits, frogs, and assorted native minnows I have always wondered why folks shell out the coinage for anything else when these 'free' baits are so availiable, affordable, and most effective.

I'd have to save the steak and the shrimp and put them on the BBQ myself!

Never tried steak for bait myself so can't really comment on it's usefullness as bait. I have some stock tanks where I store my Redtails and if I have to keep them long enough to require a feeding before I get rid of them I give them minced beef heart and those things sure gobble that right up!


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Hi Scotty,

I fish the No. dam sometimes but since they put the rocks in I have trouble walking down there as my legs are bad.

I've tried everything as far as bait and chicken liver is good but hard to keep on the hook.

Chicken breast seems to work at times if you're cleaning out the fridge for old food. Smelt, raw shrimp, gizzards work also but it depends on the bite at the time.

Get some crawlers and go down to the walk bridge below the highrise in MHD on the Oak Grove side and catch some goldeye. They're thick down there. I've caught some decent fish down there, also.

Turn No. at the Red Bear and hang to the left til you get to the walkbridge. You can park there and walk across to the other side.


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Steak for bait was my buddy's idea because it is hard to get off the hook.Personally i would never buy it to fish the river expensive.I was out today for a half an hour or so at the north dam on shore using frog's notta but one came back skinned. Hey fred have you been down to the dam lately in a silver car? Just wondering. I will have to try next to that bike bridge. I was down by there a couple of weeks ago. If you go south of that bridge i was at the second pier on shore alot of small bullheads a few 4# cat's as well. I will have to go after that cutbait. thank you scotty b

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Have you tried any A-1 with the steak. Kidding. I'm with the others on this one, save it for the grill and use frogs or cutbait. Good luck.

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Twasn't me Scotty,

I drive a maroon buick or if real serious about things a blue conv.van.

It could have been a pipefitter I know from a while back. He usually runs a bobber on the back wash on the Mhd. side of the No. dam. Nice guy.

I'll probably meet you down there sometime soon, tho.


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Oh ok i seen you said you had trouble cause of those rock's. And a guy i have been seeing there alot said the same thing to me.I think i am going to stay away from the steak, i was out late last night and pulled in a 10 pound channelcat off a piece of bread.Could work out pretty good two of the buddies i fish with work at holsum bakery. Biggest fish i ever got so far. grin.gif

[This message has been edited by scotty B (edited 08-01-2003).]

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Well good for you Scotty,

That's a nice cat. I've never used bread before but what works, works, eh! That must have been a ball.


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Well let me tell ya about Steak. I have been useing it for years now. You can get that value packs in your local stores and a steak will make a ton of cut bait. Cats love it. A dozen suckers = $4.oo. Small steak = $4.00. You can get many more cubes off that steak than the suckers.

The nice part is they will not stip you bait off nearly as easy as any other baits. I just finished the cat's increadible this last week end in East Grand Forks MN. We had every type of biat in the boat and the most consistant bait was the steak. Of course I doctor mine up a bit but that is what we ended up catching all out cats on. We only took 52nd place out of 150 teams.48# of cats in two days with 7 fish. Nothing else was working for us, so we stuck with it.

Never say never when it comes to cats.

Tip #1. Take two containers of steak, then get a container of beef liver all bloody and put it in with the steak and leave it in the fridge to absorb the flavor of liver... then the other container put chicken livers and the blood in that one. Let them sit for a day or two in the fridge and then give them a try.

Let me know how it works for ya. Works wonders for me. Our first two cats were 15# in the first 20 min of fishing.

Good fishing.

[This message has been edited by Wiskers Guiding Service (edited 08-05-2003).]

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    • Rivergroup
      Heading up to LV a week from today with the kids. Any advice for us? Staying on the West side but open to traveling if the weather permits.   The way the last few weeks have gone, might stay for good!!!
    • leech~~
      Do have Wi-Fi in your house. Your going to need that to work with any of the cameras that send a signal and video to your phone.  Hardwire is the best but battery power workers well for about two months then you have to pull them and recharge them.  It is nice to sit on a beach in Key West and keep an eye on your house when gone! 👌
    • smurfy
      SO.......you dont think the BEWARE OF WIFE sign is sufficient???? 😂😄   seriously.......i'm no help!!!!
    • Dash 1
      With all the craziness in the world I’m looking at getting an outdoor security camera setup for my home. Anyone have ideas on what works well without a huge cost  and easy to do . Or is it better to go with a company to set it up.  We have recently had copper thefts in the area at farmers fields and bin sites and I know it will only gat worse as these things always do. I probably want something that hooks up to my phone as well and wondering if there is a good one with either battery life or if wired is better. Any thoughts are welcome. 
    • SkunkedAgain
      Aren't they the ones that ran into problems about illegal bait? Anyone know how that turned out?
    • chaffmj
      You launch on Moose Lake to get to the motorized portage. It's called Prairie portage. To get to the portage you put in at Moose Lake. From Moose you go into Newfound Lake. From Newfound you go into Sucker Lake. On Sucker is where Prairie portage is. There is a dock on the American side and on the Canadian side there is big sign welcoming you to Canada. Latourell's Resort runs the portage and the cost for the portage is $40 for a round trip.
    • mulefarm
      Will that blond haired kid have that cool little orange boat in the show this weekend? Saw him driving around by Muskego Point a few times this summer.
    • smurfy
      Hey  stranger!!👌
    • delcecchi
      Nope, there are parts of Basswood that allow motors.   Entry is from Fall Lake, and there is (I think) a motorized portage.   It is really popular in the spring...
    • smurfy
      had that happen last year on a lake. doing pretty good with sunfish till momma 2 youngins showed up........we moved!!!!🥴 
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