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From the Hawley area and looking to access the Red River with my boat to fish Kitties. First time for everything you know. I have read many of the posts and started to get a feel for fishing Catfish (usually chase crappies, sunnies, pike and the occaisional musky). Where is the best places to put in North of Fargo or in Fargo to get me and the two boys on some kitties. Any tips about access and fishing the stretch of the Red north of the FM area appreciated. Will hope to make a trip further north some time this month too but can run out after work in the FM area. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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You can get a list of access site's from the NDG&F web site. Handy list to keep, they list all the sites on the Red there. Some are better then others by far. Some between Fargo and GF are barely ramps! I have been lobbying for MN & ND to get on the stick and get access ramps built. It has been a Tough row to how though..Uf-Da! No funds for new ramps, sorry to say.

The Fargo ramps are the best on the Upper Red River, all new or newish and well maintained.

There are 4 in Fargo, two down town at Dyke East (one above and one directly below the midtown dam) One on the North side at MB Johnson Park. One on the South end at Iwen Park (often called the Convent Landing ramp).

Ed "Backwater Eddy" Carlson

Backwater Guiding "ED on the RED"
[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 08-11-2003).]

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