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Lockport MB Red River report. 9-17-03

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Howdy howdy howdy... Wow that was a good time... The water was cooling off and very low however the Cats had an mission of their own. Water temp was 66 degrees and it was very low up by the dam and several rocks and rock bars were showing that we had no idea were even there. But that is where the cats were feeding. At times it was hard to keep up with two bobbers.

Floats were the trick. Nothing caught on slip bottom rigs. Floats in 1.5 - 3 feet of water were just crazy. We boated 265# of fish in a 40 min. span. Smallest fish was 12#. Largest was 27-29#. My scale said 26.11# but it has been proven to be off by about 4#. It was 34 inches with a girth of 24". We lost count on how many we got in the boat but it was a lot.... Two days of fishing and we boated at least 1500# of fish.

Fishing was on and off like a light switch. You just had to keep moving and you would find them again. When the cats started to surface and roll it was time to keep an eye on the floats because they were on the feed again. At times the surface would come alive with cats.

It was great to meet the faces to the FM names. It is a must that we try to get a FM gathering up to Lockport and swarm Stu with fishing stories and BS. Each group should bring at least one person that has not catfished and let them feel the deep belly addiction we all come to love.

Loved the cabins Stu. I have to find out how you got them huge pics on the walls.. We will be back more often. That fella I had with me is now addicted also and will start his monthly visits to Catters Annynomous this week. lol....

I don't know what else to tell ya but if you have not ever been to lockport catting it is a must do.......That spring feed is increadible..... If it is your first time catfishing it will spoil you for the rest of your life....Take the time, contact Stu at www.catsonthered.net and set up a date and bring some asprin for them sore arms in the morning.

Keep an eye on that float and slack to a minimum..................

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


[This message has been edited by Wiskers Guiding Service (edited 09-20-2003).]

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Ya that is what my "Catters Anonymous" theropist tells me too... LOL LOL LOL

Hello My name is Rusty and Im addicted....... Corking Suxxx.... lol lol

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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Thanks for the nice plug Rusty and I'm sencerely glad you did so well. I'm also very pleased that you enjoyed the experience!

One other note that I simply have to mention and that is my website address.
For those that are interested in seeking information about our service, our website is www.catsonthered.net

Once again, thanks Rusty

Fish "HARD" Forever!

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Hey glad you reminded me about aht link... I always to that for some reason.... ???? I got it fixed. now.. Must be habbit..

We are already setting up a group to head up there maybe once more in Oct. for green backs and most deffinately in the spring..

Cant wait as usual.....

www.catsonthered.net www.catsonthered.net www.catsonthered.net

every time I even type that I am so set back in my counciling... It is like milk, It does the body good.....

CORKING sucks......... .......

Wiskers Guiding Service
Red River & Minnesota RIver Channel Cats, Flatheads & Walleyes
Crookston, MN
[email protected]


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